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Everything posted by lucass

  1. Hi, is it possible to use cain & abel to do arp which will send victims packets somewhere else than it real destination? The problem is when one guy in our network runs emule. There is no chance to open a website when he does that. I was thinking maybe it could be done by doing arp so his computer would send everything to some fake local IP (like instead of real gateway. Or maybe you know any other way to limit transfer of that computer? Thanks, Lucas
  2. How can I do that? What kind of software I need?
  3. Hello, after watching episode 7 i was trying to do this tunneling at home. Everything works fine except http. It seems I have to know IP of every website i want to see and do a tunnels for then (one tunnel for one site). Is there any easy way of using tunnels? Because I would need to type into putty about 30 tunnels every time i want to connect. Maybe you know any free aps like putty for pocket pc? Lucas
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