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Posts posted by thedude

  1. My whole point is to connect the two routers via wireless network. I do not want to run cable to each of them. I am sure I am set on a way to do this and still working on it.

    The point is to have Router A with the modem in one room and have Router B that will connect wirelessly to Router A in another room.

  2. I have unwilling have to make this setup work. I think my drawing is self explaining on what I want to do. I want to link together two routers to be one network. I have a upstairs office with no internet and I have another setup down stairs in my kitchen setup on the internet. I am not 100% on how to do it but have a theory or two.


  3. There are these silver strips on my rc circuit board (cheap rc) that uses a toggle to move the car. I did a continuity check and not sure if i am reading it correctly. Hope the little diagram goes well with what I say.

    There is no battery in the controller.

    Aa + Ab = Open

    Ba + Bb = Shrt

    Ca + Cb = Open

    This goes same for the other half of the control.


    Forgot to put the question in. Do I need to have Aa + Ab = shrt to make the car move?


  4. I played that HackWars game for a week now and it sucks! All I been doing was going after ScriptKiddies. There are so many flaws in the game. Uplink and SlaveHack are way better hacking sim games. Dont even waste you time with HackWars. Trust me, it sucks the big one!

  5. Well its been roughly 1 1/2 weeks since I applied for that job and I just got a email saying they found somone better. Back to square one again. How are you to get experiance in somthing if you cant get a job in that field (General question in all fields)? Somone could have the know how from College but a job area will turn you away because they want somone with experiance.

  6. I am trying my hands on the multipass finaly just because I cant slep tonight. I followed the guides to the bone. When I restart my OS I go into the bios and look at the boot menu and dont see my flash drive listed on there. Im sure I followed Darrens direction, did I over look somthing?

  7. interview went good. We were asking each other questions and such. He told me that they wont have a decsion 2 to 3 weeks from now. Guy is using Wireshark so kudos for me Im using wireshark myself. He told me I got a good chance of getting the job just because I showed up half hour before it was sechduled.

    Pretending to be gay to stay out of the arm forces...Well you know they got a policy "Dont ask dont tell". On the other hand I couldnt pull of being gay without laughing. Its just not me. Going into the arm forces for a computer job is not a bad idea. I actually looked into and talking it over with a company and might have a connection going on. I personaly will send bakdor to Bin lol

  8. I want to say if you glue the wires and any exposed internal components it would be "Water proof". Ya the pc fan does not have enough torque but it be somthing to brag about that you made a cheap boat with a pc fan.

  9. thats actually a good idea. I just didnt think of using the psu at the time. you guys think we can use some sort of glue to make these pc fans water proof? if so I got another mod in mind lol.

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