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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. Update deployed, they seem to be sticking with v29 now. 11/6/2010 1.3.3 build 1114 PANDORA PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTED ! INSTALL THIS TO FIX CLIENT/SAVER ! + Lots of small fixes for the client. Pandora: Updated cryptokeys Client: Protocol bump to v29 Client: Added fix_sound.bat and prompts to use if neccisary Client: Use a seperate key for encrypting userdata Client: Reworded some things, to make it more obvious Client: Updated addFeedback RPC Client: Added LastFault + calls in the station page Client: Fixed station page station creation restrictions Songza: Removed, service is defunct SProxy: Preventative fix from caster regarding post data Wine users, if you get: System.NotImplementedException: Not implemented. at System.Drawing.Region.GetRegionScans(Matrix matrix) try: winetricks gdiplus WINEDLLOVERRIDES="gdiplus=n;" wine SProxy.exe (first command only needs to be run once) Some guy changed load order for gdiplus native, which is throwing an error. (he also has been refusing in bugs attached to it that it was his commit causing the problem - lol)
  2. Oh, those aren't hashes - they're the encrypted username and password, using blowfish
  3. It would seem so. But it's a loosing war: v28, it took us in #saver2 roughly 24hrs to crack (though roughly 6 hours was wasted by a single line of code) v29, it took me 15 minutes to crack with tools I developed after the v28 attempt any changed keys in the future will take even less time to do (think 3 minutes - refined tools). Just have to decompile the applet then run the source through a small program i wrote, and then open a HTML file in a JS-enabled browser. Simple. Then it's just copy and pasting two keys into two source files then recompiling, and we're good to go. They have not even made any serious API changes since some changes to addfeedback a few patches ago which i've finally updated in the client, though the old one has been working since... I think whoever was responsible for the API proper left a while ago which would be why there has been no major changes since v21 (and earlier?), outside of restrictions placed on the flash applet. Promy (the guy responsible for pianobar) sent a mail to pandora about an error with their api, and basically got a "fuck off, we don't like your sort" response. They just don't seem to care at all. Not that I mind. They did another temporary update tonight, with the same keys as the v29 from two days ago, then reverted it again. lol If they want to play the game, I'm ready :P
  4. What hashes do you mean? (also, drop by IRC sometime)
  5. i added the ability to change the login on the fly a while ago though it is not over the web interface. to change user: mono caster.exe -login Login successfully (it then exits) then call /rehashsettings on the web interface. After the next song it will change login. You should not use love/hate/station change/etc for the next two songs. Changing via the web interface won't happen for a few reasons: 1. i'd have to implement SSL, as passing a paired user/pass in cleartext is just a bad idea to do 2. the RPC mechanisms are not currently implemented in a way that allows testing a login before 'using' it 3. changing users is an iffy process at best, it would honestly be better to just kill the caster and log in as another user then relaunch (or run multiple instances with different conf files)
  6. I've been noticing that a lot now. Also, if I rate down two cascada songs (first listen it was great, second ok, third+ hate it, all their songs are the same basic beat/samples/singing style), why does the damn thing still play em? lol
  7. Try using it again. Pandora must have been doing some sort of temp update - v28 is now working again. v29 keys cracked, so when they do deploy it, we be ready.
  8. pandora has indeed updated. (war were declared) edit: see below.
  9. yeah, i had read that, but i can't say i've seen it in action
  10. Try reinstalling, this error makes no sense. I have no idea what sandboxie is, but it's still unlikely to cause this (unless it's fucking with basic win32 apis).
  11. Is your connection dropping below 16kb/s on a regular basis? That;s the only reason an underflow could happen (besides occasionally on the very first song) Also, drop by irc sometime...
  12. It's by design, though it wouldn't be too hard to change.
  13. --fork is no longer shown under mono i've added a way for you to control mplayer remotely: mkfifo /tmp/mplayerfifio mplayer -slave -input file=/tmp/mplayerfifio (listen url) okay, now you have local output. Now, make a page called, say, playpause.html, in the www directory. In it, write <!--#exec write "/tmp/mplayerfifo|pause\n"--> Then open (url)/playpause.html With any luck, mplayer should now pause, and resume if you load it again. /nextsongex is now json, as you wanted Added IsPremium to status more changelog: added functions for station change mode and static/js station change blocks should have fixed the ERROR NO DATA AVAILABLE on launch now nav entries except for listen now and login/logout can be added and removed at will navbar variable was replaced with makenav function allowed string arguments for exec halved backbuffer amount added ajax station change mode selection fixed firefox being stupid with ajax requests added super-ajax flash player popup nextsongex now uses json added "write" function to ssi, to write a file's contents. supports fifos! included files wil now have %% tags parsed added minicontrols and miniplayer htmls added ministations \n,\r,\t,\0 are now parsed in arguments to exec index.html: updated to use ajax station mode change changestations.html: updated to use stationchangejs login.html: added redirect if login is not needed header.txt: updated to use makenav func flashp.html: added iframe for navigation while playing and frame busting .links: added other nav entrie, status, etc.
  14. Yeah, and it would be an option set at compile time (because it requires changing the base class of something). I'll look into other ways to do it, still.
  15. Afaik, it's already newest to oldest, i can't sort it manually because they don't have creation dates. Sorting alphabetically would be easy to do, but it would break sorting by date as it would change the dictionary type used
  16. Updated. Added function logout to SSI to allow for logging out an ip Updated function login to allow to log in an ip As long as an IP has authenticated, it will be served a station change playlist. Implicit station changes (/listen/SID) are now checked against authenticated IPs if authentication is required Implicit station changes now change after the current song is done, rather than immediately - there is no way to truely instantly change stations. This is more smooth. Added "Admin" page Added StartedTime to status json Added starttime SSI var and %% replace Added a number of server stats to SSI vars - use <!--#printenv--> to see them all.
  17. Updated. Added some more SSI directives and updated the web interface. Added --fork, which launches in the background on windows. Unknown if it works on linux or not. It *should*, though it is not forking in the usual sense. Added --kill, which attempts to kill (nicely) the caster listening on the port specified in config. Can be used to kill an instance on another/port IP if it uses the same pandora login. (-n "ip" -p port --kill) Added writing a playlist containing station listen urls - see details Station playlist writing is only supported if you have AnonWebControl set to true - otherwise the connecting winamp/etc would be unable to change stations (because it isn't authenticated). Otherwise, you just get the normal listen playlist.
  18. nonvital update deployed - IF YOU USE GROOVESHARK TURBO, INSTALL THIS NOW. 10/13/2010 1.3.3 build 1108 (nonvital) This update is vital for people using grooveshark turbo. You may get banned if you do not install this! Client: User info will be cleared when esoteric error occurs. Client: Fixed an exit error [CRITICAL] Grooveshark: Blocked updateStreamKeyLength again Saver2: Fixed empty entries with "" instead of null for format string Installer: Added sound fix scripts
  19. Updated. Added the SSI-like language and replacements for all of the built-in pages (built in pages are retained but not used unless serving is disabled) Added /nextsongex, returns full next song info Added /autocompleteex, returns a formatted set of links for station creation
  20. Found it. Bug with flash player only. Will look into fixing it at next patch (not sure when that is). In the interim, two solutions: Don't use delete negative songs Use my client (or the pandoracaster, see http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=17704) Probably something of the URL changed, idk. If you use the flash client it's going to keep on removing songs from playlists when they are rated even if you turn of the negative songs thing, also...
  21. Thanks :) I'm unable to replicate this here- can you upload a log with the problem? Edit: 800 posts, and 799 of them were in this forum. lol
  22. Could add the full song info, yeah. That happens because it's fetching the first 256k or so next song (so the current song could end/be skipped without having no data avialable) when that returns. Could add an option to block until next song info is available also (though fetching /nextsong additionally after /songchanged would provide faster updates if the connection is slow) I'm also implementing a language similarish to SSI to allow better replacement of built in pages.
  23. Updated. Added ComingUpNext, NextArtist, NextAlbum, NextTitle, NextArtUrl to status. Not present if status->canSkip = false Added non-js station change and station creation Added LowMem (use disk backing for song data) and NoWebStyle (disable embedded stylesheet) Added song info for history entries history json format: "3:23 PM;Smells Like Teen Spirit (Butch Vig Mix);Nirvana;With The Lights Out;S199619;http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/9/4/6/6/602498646649_130W_130H.jpg", Date;Name;Artist;Album;Id;ArtUrl semicolons in name/artist/album replaced with %3B Station entries are just Date;Station: (name) still Updated web interface further: removed webres.dat in favor of improved local file server. Excerpt from readme: ==== Web interface ==== If AnonWebControl is false, you need to log in prior to using web interface functions like skip, song ratings, station changing, etc. The web interface's extensibility is enabled by default. To disable, set ServeLocalFiles to false. The path served is set via LocalFilesPath. File starting with . will not be served, or .., though relative paths are supported within a url (http://server/dir/../otherdir/file.ext) Edit LocalFilesPath/.links to add new navigation links. Each new entry should be on one line. Format: URL;Name[;requires auth true|false] 3rd arg is optional. If a file's name matches a built in URL, the built in page will be overridden. Create a file named index.htm (or html) to replace the status page (/). ==== PAGE PARSING ==== If you have a file with extension html, htm, txt, xml, or css, a few variables will be replaced when it is displayed: --- global server info -- %statusjson% | json formatted status (same as /status request) %stationsjson% | json formatted stations (same as /stations request) %historyjson% | json formatted history (same as /historyjson) %listenport% | server listen port %servername% | server name %serverurl% | full server url (http://servername:serverip/) %style% | embedded stylesheet %authenticated% | is current requestor authenticated? (true | false) %header% | standard header with nav %footer% | standard footer %navbar% | nav bar %stationchangejs% | collapsable station change list. fallback to /changestations if no js %stationchgstatic% | static station change list (no JS) %uptime% | Uptime (nice string) --- now playing info ---- %nowplaying% | now playing song (artist - title) %nextsong% | next song if available otherwise "" %CanSkip% | if next song is available (true | false) %station% | current station %stationID% | current station ID %MusicID% | current song ID %AlbumDetailUrl% | pandora albumDetailURL %SongDetailUrl% | pandora songDetailURL %ArtistDetailUrl% | pandora artistDetailURL %SongRatedPos% | current song rated positively (true | false) %ArtURL% | current song AArtUrl %Artist% | current song Artist %Album% | current song Album %Title% | current song Title %SongLength% | current song Length (m:ss) %ComingUpNext% | if CanSkip ? Parent.ComingUpNext else "" %NextArtist% | if CanSkip ? Parent.NextSongInfo.Artist else "" %NextAlbum% | if CanSkip ? Parent.NextSongInfo.Album else "" %NextTitle% | if CanSkip ? Parent.NextSongInfo.Title else "" %NextArtUrl% | if CanSkip ? Parent.NextSongInfo.AArtUrl else ""
  24. There's no way to my knowledge to detach a process in C#, you'd have to launch it with a helper afaik. I *think* you can do "(cmd &) &" to fully detach also (as opposed to single &)
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