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Everything posted by ZigZagJoe

  1. New version tentatively released: download it at http:// zzj.itf-inc.com/SPPS1.003b1.008c.zip OUTDATED new version nrs SP 1.003b and PS 1.008c Notable Features changes etc: SProxy: Various internal workings improved. Plugin RPC implemented. Auto-reload of main screen can be disabled. Statistics monitoring via web interface and on main form. Connection sanity enabled for computers with less than 512mb ram (dunno if this would actually help tho) PS: Now able to manage songs to be downloaded via the web interface. (RPC) Turbo mode is allowed to run with encoding enabled until (number of songs to keep in queue) - 5 is reached. Effectively, this means you can have it turbo rip and queue up to 250 songs to be encoded, at which point turbo will be disabled to allow it to catch up. However, turbo mode is not re-enabled after it has been disabled. You'll need to do that yourself. May change in future. THe number of songs is configurable under adv. settings. About screen added, with several useful links and a shameless plug for donations. Unified log: all log info will now be in SPLog.txt Bugfixes. You will need to delete SProxy.conf with this update (well, okay, you don't have to, but you'll have to reconfigure settings all the same) How to update - extract the new zip where you have sproxy installed now, overwriting existing files. Another note - this can now tell when a duplicate is running (that is, if SProxy is still running). It will first poke it on the web interface, and if sproxy is responding properly it will cause the first instance to become visible and the second one will safely exit. If the poking fails, it will show a message saying that SProxy has probably frozen and that you will need to terminate it yourself. wow - almost 3 weeks and 5 thread pages since last release. lol
  2. Are you using firefox or safari/chrome? Otherwise, the download button will not function. Haven't the faintest what went wrong in the other one. I've added code to handle it, but it really makes no sense (the error.)
  3. Should be right below the pandora logo.
  4. Does it show auto-mangling page http://... in the log viewer? And (stupid question, i know) is download button enabled under settings?
  5. It's when the client auths to Pandora that the IP check is run - and the server fails the client, not the client stops it. a new client wouldn't help for that. You'd also have to deal with the SSL connection it uses to login and authenticate. You could rip specific songs; if that specific song is within the playlist chunk the server gives you (4 songs), but otherwise not (and btw running PS in turbo mode does more or less the same thing). TBH, what you are saying while it is possible it would be an incredible amount of work that could easily be obsoleted by the next internal version of pandora (ie. they release a new flash client app with a new protocol like the sidebar widget for vista uses)
  6. Heh, no problem. I'm gonna release tomos i think, debating weither to finish proper chunked encoding support or leave it forcing none. Probably doesn't matter for most people anywho. Also, thanks whoever sent the 1-cent donation, it will be put to good use :o
  7. Make sure you have the .net framework installed. Also, what OS are you using? I've had this when testing on a friend's 64bit vista machine and was not able to resolve it. (yet mine is a 64bit xp machine and all is fine)
  8. Haven't the faintest. (rather, i've not looked into it specifically as it didn't seem to have anything of interest in it) What exactly are you trying to do with it? You could try decompiling the flash applet, but i hear it is obfuscated.
  9. looks like the first one pandora truncated the response. and the secondary failures are caused by the tuner warnings containing the same key (i've made the new version echo out arguments when a tuner warning comes - which stops this madness) I'll try to release soon
  10. mmmm, getting ready to to release a new one. now up to PS 1.008c and sproxy 1.003a I am not responsible for any cases of interface poisoning that develop due to exposure to the about screen. Not released quite yet!
  11. Not that i know of. Regardless, that is what causes large cpu spikes while browsing (it isn't smart enough to cache album infos once read)
  12. Go to a folder setup how you like, then Tools->Folder Options->View and press Apply to All Folders That should do it.
  13. Do you have any of the album/artist/title etc columns enabled in explorer? Those could cause it to lag while it crawls folders, as would having it in thumbnail mode. My cpu spikes to 50% on one core for about 10 seconds when i try to load my music dir (7900 songs, 19ish gb) and then stops completely (and the folder shows up)
  14. faad.exe is not in the same directory as SProxy.exe
  15. If you are moving them to another folder like you are doing I would just use the blacklist. on a quick google i found this thread - http://club.cdfreaks.com/f3/explorer-exe-c...37/#post1259561 Seems similar.
  16. Yeah, that's because explorer insists on looking through all the folders and in some cases checking all the tags. Sounds proper to me. (sproxy memory use should drop when idle as well.)
  17. Odd. Hotmail is one of the specific tests i ran for compatibility, and it runs fine (still does). If you exit SProxy gracefully(hit X) it will uncheck the proxy server setting when done, if that is how it was set beforehand. What happens when you try to access it? MP3 encoding is naturally stressful. It can't really be helped. As brofix said, you might try low bandwidth mode in SProxy settings. Yeah, I've added a max log size of 10mb (it grows like a weed lol). Check blacklist.txt file contained in the zip folder - and put it in your save folder if you want to blacklist folders. Then, just list the directory in that file on a new line, like "C:\PandoraSaver\new" or what not. On start (or when you press reload lists) it will scan that directory and form blacklist patterns out of it.(recursively) Multiple directories can be listed within the file. You can also use it to point to playlists exported from itunes(text format only) or winamp (.m3u), or stick said playlist in the save folder with an extension of ".blacklist.txt" for it to be automatically loaded. CPU wise, it will be significantly rougher but it is also more thorough checking as it doesn't require the organization format to be the same (though the name format does have to be similar).
  18. Yeah, firefox will use about 200mb or so tops and stabilize (though, that's with me having 40ish tabs open nevermind pandora) Sounds right to me. Though, what are these empty directories you speak of? there should only be one in the zip named "Firefox-P", and then some dirs within it for firefox. (12th page snipa)
  19. If IE is leaking memory, it's IE's fault - I've noticed it seems to hemorrhage RAM. Might also be flash. I haven't the faintest what it would be doing to do so. I'd really recommend using firefox due to (far) superior memory management; I posted a portable version of FF earlier in this thread. SProxy should use no more than 50mb at a given time [sProxy.exe], though that will grow and shrink as stuff is downloaded and memory is garbage collected. I've noticed that it can get up to 200 something mb use over time, but it having handled 12k songs, I am not surprised. It seems to be a framework thing. Restart will free the memory. I notice it typically gets swapped out after having been idle for a while as well. Blacklist will use a little more RAM and incur performance penalties on large lists (nothing significant, just a bit more cpu use while checking), but it wouldn't be a noticeable amount of RAM use. The last time i tried to run this on a machine with limited RAM (a virtual one, 256mb) SProxy had trouble with being unable to create a new request handler. I've added code to handle this now, and a max tolerable amount of connections which is stored in the config file. With how much this thrashes the RAM, in addition to base use, i can't recommend the use of this on any machine with less than 512mb of ram. 128mb for the OS (conservative), 80mb for firefox with flash loaded (very conservative) and thrashing leaves only 48mb for the .NET runtime and sproxy. Misc notes: Combining the logs (new version, when eventually released, will use SProxy's log instead of its own). Some compatibility fixes, and new implementations (internally) Still trying to come up with a nice way to handle auto-scrolling of the main window in sproxy. Added bandwidth graph to main window, along with two bar graphs that show the bandwidth use relative to max. Added a stats page to view the content-type bytes distribution.
  20. Only if tagging is set to "Always" from the default of when ripped.
  21. Get me logs/and or a better explanation of what happened so I can try to figure out what is going on. Under no circumstance should PS peg the cpu (unless encoding mp3 on a single core, in which is it likely your cpu would max out). Okay, sounds good. Hmm, i've never noticed that before. Interesting. I like to use quickmix when in ripping mode cos it does ALL the stations.
  22. It is fixed in new version (new as of 10 days or so ago)- this was a flaw relating to using a flat directory structure (ie. not organizing saved files). The mp3s were fine as it didn't need to save the file to disk first to embed it. A q- the files played on the iPod touch - did they have highs? there will be a clear difference if a file has highs (SBR supported) or not (sounds like a 64kb mp3 - iPod nano did this, as well as itunes)
  23. default is only the default when the config file is missing. It doesn't get changed otherwise. But yes, i changed it to 12mb now, and may introduce a way for it to check mime types assuming pandora doesn't call it text/plain or something silly
  24. change the value to 23091489 or higher. That song must've been nearly 30 minutes long (I didn't know Pandora played mixes or stuff that long...)
  25. Hrm, i thought i set that long enough. That setting is to prevent excessive memory use (size of downloaded data *2). By default, i had it set at 8mb, which was 1mb bigger than any song i have ever downloaded before. The good news is this can be fixed without a new release. First, close sproxy and wait 10 seconds or so while it finishes exiting. Then, you will need to open SProxy.conf, and search for "MaxTamperLength". It should come up to an area that looks like: <item> <key> <string>MaxTamperLength</string> </key> <value> <string>8388608</string> </value> </item> Change the value between the string tags to be bigger. Add a zero, or something. If you are not using SProxy for normal browsing setting it to 80mb will be fine. Note, it is in bytes. Save it, and run sproxy. That will fix it. by the lines in that log, damn, that is long! (13 mins)
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