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Posts posted by L337G33K

  1. Is it safe. Not really, but depends on where and who you know and what you are looking for. Packetnews is probably one of the best resources for searching files on IRC networks. If your SSh'd into some server somewhere and are cloaking your traffic, about the only thing you really have to worry about is an insecure IRC program, worms and virus spam bots in the channels and there are scripts and things you can do to protect(up to a point) yourself from these things.

    What do you mean by it is not safe?

    Is it the malicious software?

  2. HI..

    I was just wondering :huh: how to download from irc??and i know that you have to pay to use usenet..so how to download from irc[which is free,I guess :blink: ].

    Please gimme a detailed and step-by-step guide coz i'm n00b :mellow: when it comes to irc.I have use P2P for a while but people say irc is faster and is more geekier[nerdier].

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