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  1. Could you make sure you pandora.sh script has EXACTLY the following? I've tested this script on both 10.3 and 10.4 and it works. pandora.sh #!/bin/bash port=$1 if [ ! $port ]; then port=8085 fi export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar $port& # make sure java has enough time to launch sleep 5 osascript -e "tell application "Firefox"" -e "Get URL "http://localhost:$port"" -e "end tell" Ahh. So if I have #!/bin/bash It gives that error. If I do #!/bin/bash I do not get the error. Only Difference is the space before #. But it still doesnt work. Just does nothing. I get no error, but it just sits there. I am using OS X 10.4.6 on a Macbook. Check you line endings - Make sure you are using LF (unix) and not CRLF (windows)
  2. Hi All, Great work :D One question Where is the source for the last version (pandora.beta.7.1) ? Thanks
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