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  1. Ahhh...yes...the problem is that the file included with the 7.2 version is a dos-formatted file. To convert the file to have unix linebreaks do the following: vi pandora.sh Once inside vi type the following: :set fileformatting=unix -- then hit enter :wq -- then hit enter I didn't realize the script was now being included in pandora.beta.7.2. We need to get that fixed... :)
  2. Could you make sure you pandora.sh script has EXACTLY the following? I've tested this script on both 10.3 and 10.4 and it works. pandora.sh #!/bin/bash port=$1 if [ ! $port ]; then port=8085 fi export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar $port& # make sure java has enough time to launch sleep 5 osascript -e "tell application "Firefox"" -e "Get URL "http://localhost:$port"" -e "end tell"
  3. btothec...we can use some applescript to open a new firefox window. Also, the port # can be specified via the first argument...example: $ ./pandora.sh 8000 #!/bin/bash port=$1 if [ ! $port ]; then port=8085 fi export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar $port& # make sure java has enough time to launch sleep 5 osascript -e "tell application "Firefox"" -e "Get URL "http://localhost:$port"" -e "end tell"
  4. Yeah, sudo is only necessary if you're running the webserver on port 80.
  5. In case anyone wants to run this on the mac, it's pretty easy to get going. The only step necessary to make this run is to set an environment variable named $TEMP which points to the folder where Flash saves the pandora files... 1) unzip latest realease (I'm using pandora.beta.6 with Mac OS Tiger) 2) launch Terminal 3) run the following commands: export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems sudo java -jar pandora.jar 4) launch firefox and go to http://localhost NOTE: you might want to export the TEMP variable in your ~/.bash_profile or create a bash script to export the variable and launch pandora.
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