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  1. I was tempted to just post "English" but resisted. Infiltrator you mean printf() not print() I would recommend learning C++, skip the whole C part unless you really want to get into it, sometimes you find self taught developers not understanding the difference because they don't understand if they are writing C or C++ at times. Mind you I seem the same from educated developers. Unless there is a specific reason for learning C over C++ in your case learn C++ will be a much nicer language and allow you to take advance of OOP like you should have within PHP. But one thing you need to do if you really want to get proficient with a language is to find a project which you want and enjoy developing and dedicate your self to that, e.g. if you want to get into building games learn OpenGL + SDL with C++ and attempt to build your own game (2.5d even).
  2. I have one generic password I use on random sites, other sites I use modified versions of the names of the sites if I definately know that admin is going to look at it (e.g. hacker wanna be sites) I then have additional passwords I use on other things which are completely unique. I'm guessing your friend doesnt claim to be big on security, or have any need to be big on security, so why would he need different passwords? Does he do online banking? If he does then this is something stupid using the same password, not just using the same password on facebook.
  3. 1. Carlton Cold (have one infront of me right now) - Australian Beer 2. Bravarias - Brazlian beers (hard to get here) 3. Tooheys New (Australian Beer) If I'm rich Jägermeister ftw, but I'm not rich.. Coldies ftw in that case
  4. That would be illegal, we're talking crackmes not licenced software
  5. I spotted the coding challange thread is dead, so I have an idea for a new thread. A crackme style thread, first someone posts a crackme, then who ever breaks it first posts the next crackme,and it just repeats
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