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Everything posted by ratmandall

  2. Fucking hell, I trusted this forum =_= How do I know my password wasn't sniffed just as I logged in? What have the admins done to make sure everything is safe, so far?
  3. Defiantly a nice reference :)
  4. Slackware, Openbox, lxpanel
  5. If you look closely this text appears when a user is online <span class="msOnlineNow "> >Retrieve html of a users profile >Test whether the text <span class="msOnlineNow "> appears in the HTML >If True the user must be online. >If False the user must be offline.
  6. Aww yeah :P Thanks. I already had that list from another script I wrote so it was just copy pasta.
  7. Well I was extra bored So I made a python script to help you do this, Make sure you run it in the directory with all your songs. You can download python here http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5.4/ Once it has generated the random names, copy the folder of songs to your Ipod. Then you can hit enter and the script will change the songs back to their original state. [Tested on Ubuntu GNU/Linux, should work with windows tho.] #Run this in the directory with your songs, and DO NOT CLOSE this until you have recovered the names. raw_input("Are you sure you want to continue? Make sure not to exit prematurely.") import os,random chars = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"] old_new = {} for song in os.listdir('.'): if song.endswith((".mp3",".wav",".aac")) == True: new = str(random.randint(0,2000))+random.choice(chars)+song[-4:] old_new[new] = song os.rename(song,new) print "Generated random name" else: print "Unrecognized extension" def recover(): for old_song in os.listdir('.'): try: os.rename(old_song,old_new[old_song]) "Song name recovered...." except KeyError: pass raw_input("\nHave you copied the songs to your Ipod?") raw_input("Hit enter to recover the names") recover() It's a bit overkill :P but I love overkill D:
  8. Wow. People sure seem to know what open-source is .
  9. Have you tried gtk? It always seemed like the easiest to me. Here's a simple window with a kill function so the program exits properly when the window is closed. import gtk, sys def gtkwindow(): def kill(window): window.destroy() sys.exit() window = gtk.Window() width, height = 250,200 window.resize(width, height) window.show() window.connect('destroy',kill) gtk.main() gtkwindow()
  10. Python isn't "just scripting".
  11. You could also make it log screenshot's every 5 minutes or however long you want.
  12. I say go with python it's easy to learn, multi-platform, fun, good community and has lots of documentation, at least for my needs http://python.org
  13. uhh not quite sure what net tools is, but linux has alot of networking tools a simple google search will help you out on specific tools.
  14. Hmm ubuntu would run on that but the speed wouldn't be that great, look on http://ubuntuforums.org for fast reliable help You also might want to look at http://fluxbuntu.org for a lighter distro based on ubuntu
  15. What distro are you trying to install and what exact problem are you having? like the other guy said it could be million thing's. http://google.com
  16. freeBSD in your avatar yet you're running windows?
  17. It is a language Hyper text markup language Probably JustBasic and the easiest to work with for me Visual basic because you have all controls and componets just drag and drop. I don't use those languages anymore
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