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Everything posted by rock3ralex

  1. Well usually people beat me to the punch so I don't post. I also forgot about the forums lol. And good point about the security guru/ebay problem. the reason I brought the idea up is so that someone like you would recognize the dangerous potential this could lead to and outcome of it. I hope this warns readers out there that they should not attempt this in anyway!
  2. Well here is an idea. If you really wanted to screw someone, you could load u3 thumbdrives with a hacksaw and switchblade and sell them to people on ebay.......i bet you can see what I trying to get at....if you don't the person who buys the drive and puts it into their computer would become infected....and every other computer they put it in! note: I would do this myself...just wanting to see if anyone sees the dangerous potential of this.
  3. One really good proxy is https://dtunnel.com/ It is a secure connection so it is hard for your company to track it.
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