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Everything posted by lopacity

  1. Well, Universal Customizer itself doesn't create them, but it comes with a little isocreate.cmd (or something similarly named) that works. Does shift disable this payload? Because I saw in my menu.bat that there was an option to use the safety.txt feature, but it was disabled, and since I can't seem to edit that, it is still disabled.
  2. I got the same errors again, but I'm not sure if what I did wiped the U3 portion of the drive. I used Universal Customizer to make an ISO with only a blank text document (it wouldn't allow a blank ISO). Also, I don't know much about programming, but would holding shift/not holding shift when you insert the drive have any affect on all of this. Is it okay to completely rely on safety.txt?
  3. I'm having the same problem as Patch, but the only difference is there's absolutely nothing enabled when I get to the enable/disable modules screen.
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