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Everything posted by X3N

  1. get a linux live cd and when he's not looking boot up his computer and open a terminal and type rm -rf /
  2. i did this a slightly different way in autoIT basically dumping all .exe files from the programfiles directory. The code isnt super refined yet pretty simple.... takes stdout of the find command and puts the results into a txt file. also an alternative cleaner way to get the reliable paths is to use an autoIT macro like @programfiles etc... which pulls the info from the registry so it isnt language dependant. anyways hers my autoit code... took a second to dump the entire programfiles dir but not too long to not be useful. #include <Constants.au3> $cmd = 'fnd.exe "C:\Program Files" -name *.exe' Local $foo = Run(@ScriptDir & '\' & $cmd, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) Local $line While 1 $line = StdoutRead($foo) If @error Then ExitLoop Filewrite("files.txt",$line) Wend feel free to modify the code to suit your needs....
  3. also i did the same thing using a native win32 version of unix find... which works exactly the same as unix's find. @echo off fnd "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu" > files.txt i renamed the find.exe to fnd.exe just to eliminate any possible confusion between windows built in find.exe that does something totaly different. this utility can be used for dumping all kinds of info you could even dump all *.exe's off the machine... most of the time i would try and stay using just straight bat or vbs or autoIT code when including this function into a big script but i cant think of any more elegant way to do this recursive file search... and the exe is only 64kb anyways.
  4. heres some code i put together that i was running with autoIT but its more vbsish.... Dim $oWSHShell Dim $oFSO Dim $Fol Dim $ThisFolder Dim $Subs Dim $Path Dim $FL Dim $FileList Dim $FilePath Dim $LogFile Dim $SearchDir = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu" _SystemSearch($SearchDir) Func _SystemSearch(ByRef $SearchDir) $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $LogFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile("startmenulog.txt",8,1) $ThisFolder = $oFSO.GetFolder($SearchDir) $Subs = $ThisFolder.Subfolders $FileList = $ThisFolder.Files For $FL in $FileList $FilePath = $FL.Path $LogFile.WriteLine ($FL.Path) Next $LogFile.Close () For $Fol in $Subs $LogFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile("startmenulog.txt",8,1) $Path = $Fol.Path $SearchDir = $Path $LogFile.WriteLine ($Fol.Path) $LogFile.Close () _SystemSearch($SearchDir) Next EndFunc
  5. Using SSH or VPN doesnt hide what you are doing online. It only encrypts the connection between your client machine and whatever server you are connecting to. Just like TOR, ssh and vpn traffic can be monitored on the server side(exit node) it just looks like its coming from the server instead of the client. So if you are at a coffee shop and connect to your home vpn or ssh tunnel you are protecting yourself somewhat from being monitored at the coffee shop but all your tunneled traffic just looks like its coming from your home server. Probably the best way to obfuscate your internet presense is to use a combination of tor + some type of cgi or php proxy. tor is still your best bet for being invisibleish on the interwebs... check out this live cd http://kaos.to/cms/projects/releases/ if your malilcious then your best bet is to use a botnet or proxy-chaining infected computers
  6. use a channel that isnt being used by any other devices nearby.
  7. another good way to hide it is inside a battery backup ups or a surge strip.
  8. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/332413/BURNINATOR.svg thers my svg if anyone wanted to take this concept further... here is the concept although im no good with vectors without my graphic pen... maybe ill redo it when i get home from work with the pen. And i know im using more then four colors on the bottom area it was just too time consuming while im at work to be recoloring the whole thing. Oh yeah an im using inkscape becuase I dont have illustrator on my work comp. i was going for the war of the worlds meets trogdor concept...
  9. X3N

    USB Terrorism

    its pretty amazing isnt it!
  10. thanks i found in on deviantart while i was trying to collect some new wallpapers
  11. X3N

    USB Terrorism

    rm -rf you should test it on your own computer first though ;)
  12. grub isn't Linux dependent it just makes it easier to use because that's what it was designed for. but going through the gentoo install process forces you to learn the fundamentals of each step.
  13. stunnelier is a cool program for this too... i prefer to use plink and a little bat script for tunnels
  14. X3N

    USB Terrorism

    that wouldnt be very nice.....
  15. vlc works great by itself and if you have a tv tuner card you can control the channels in vlc. Vlc even has a webUI which ive used and it works great. the only downside to using vlc is the syntax for setting up the streaming end of it is a little unclear so you need to experiment with it to get it to work right and also you need to tweak your resolution settings depending on your bandwidth... but once you get that it works great. Not too long ago i was using vlc to stream xvid shows from a server i have at a datacenter to my work computer using plink with some bat scripts to start and stop playback... also i used the webUI to control streaming playback... here are some of the command line setups i was testing for streaming. I was using vlc on the client side and also windows media player just opening a straight http stream....... basically what vlc does is on the fly transcoding of the formats. Also just a note i was doing this testing back a few months ago before the new version of vlc came out so im not sure if its any different now but this should get you started... vlc -I http -vvv Battlestar.Galactica.S04E08.HDTV.XviD-BiA.avi --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=avi,dst=localhost:8081}' Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx windows media player setup vlc -vvv Battlestar.Galactica.S04E08.HDTV.XviD-BiA.avi --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=asf,dst=localhost:8081}' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX vlc -vvv http://data102.homelinux.org:8081 vlc -I http -vvv Battlestar.Galactica.S04E08.HDTV.XviD-BiA.avi --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=avi,dst=localhost:8081}' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx test xvid Battlestar.Galactica.S04E08.HDTV.XviD-BiA.avi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx server name's http://yourserver.org:8080 http://yourserver.org:8081 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bad quality wmp stream vlc -vvv Battlestar.Galactica.S04E08.HDTV.XviD-BiA.avi --sout '#transcode{vcodec=DIV3,vb=256,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=32,channels=2}:std{acces s=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=:8080}' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Good quality http stream vlc -vvv Battlestar.Galactica.S04E08.HDTV.XviD-BiA.avi --sout '#transcode{vcodec=DIV3,acodec=mp3,vb=800,ab=128}:std{access=http,mux=ogg,dst =homelinux.org:8081}' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vlc -I http /root/downloads -vvv --sout '#transcode{vcodec=DIV3,acodec=mp3,vb=800,ab=128}:std{access=http,mux=ogg,dst =homelinux.org:8081}'
  16. vm's are great for building linux test boxes vmware server ftw
  17. i just did a normal install and it ran fine on my vista box... i don't know if this would help you or not but i have uac turned off and you have to take ownership of your program files directory. Also the take ownership thing may fix your problem with deleting files too. Just Google "take ownership vista" and you'll find info on working with vista. Also i have a program i been using called regtoy that is kinda like tweakUI on steroids but it has a lot of settings you can tweak on vista that make it easier to work with.
  18. your best bet is the documentation for Gentoo which has all the manual grub setup that you need to know. It aint that complicated if you work with it a bit... http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/hand...ap=10#doc_chap2 If in doubt for anything Linux related visit the Gentoo documentation page because it pretty much shows how to do everything manually. If you don't really know what your doing i would definitely try and work with a computer that you can mess up for a while. Also you should read up on how to chroot to a different install of linux in order to fix a mistake you made if you screw up your mbr.
  19. i happen to like the simplicity of freenas and havnt experienced any problems with it for me openfileer is alittle too heavy... you might as well just install centos with webmin
  20. theres a program called unlocker for both vista and xp and it works fine on both...
  21. X3N

    FreeNAS issue

    the freenas site has a manual you can look at for answers. there could be many issues with your setup the first being most likely that you didn't set it all up properly. Just go through the setup step by step and look for whatever you missed.
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