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  1. I am trying to fuzz bash and I am fuzzing bash but it gives me this warning "(odd, check syntax)" Here are the commands I have used https://github.com/tunz/afl-fuzz-js/blob/master/experimental/bash_harness/bash-harness.c
  2. https://github.com/hannob/selftlsI downloaded selftls. It says on the website " We only want to fuzz the very first step of the handshake, so we're interested in the first packet. We will create an input directory for american fuzzy lop called in and place packet-1 in it." I couldn't find anything in the selftls directory named "packet-1".
  3. I am in the openssl directory cd openssl greg123:~/openssl (master) $ ls ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Configure* LICENSE NOTES.WIN README.PERL config* demos/ include/ ssl/ AUTHORS FAQ Makefile README VMS/ config.com doc/ ms/ ssl.map CHANGES INSTALL Makefile.shared README.ECC apps/ configdata.pm e_os.h openssl.spec test/ CONTRIBUTING INSTALL.DJGPP NEWS README.ENGINE appveyor.yml crypto/ engines/ out/ tools/ Configurations/ INSTALL.WCE NOTES.VMS README.FIPS build.info crypto.map external/ pod2htmd.tmp util/
  4. I'm trying to fuzz openssl but I couldn't find out which file to fuzz that involves with handling the certificate https://blog.hboeck.de/archives/868-How-Heartbleed-couldve-been-found.html
  5. I've generated a self signed certificate and put it in "in" directory. It then gave me a different error that said there was no file named selftls. What program in openssl accepts and processes certificates?
  6. I have installed address sanitizer and have installed the rest of the software I need. I am fuzzing the file selftls and it gives me this error. What am I supposed to put in the test case file?https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yz9I84syZBoa1ZLoEYBt7Txj46wOTJvxbjouL4e8o5c/edit?usp=sharing
  7. I would like to fuzz openssl with afl-fuzz what do you think is the best file to fuzz to get the most bugs http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/ https://github.com/openssl/openssl
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