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  1. I've come to view the Pineapple as a tool box that contains specialized tools; sometimes these tools don't work so well (because the very thing that made the tool able to be specialized is no longer relavent), and sometimes they work amazingly well (such as Harvester in firmware 2.3.0+). At the end of the day, though, everything that the Pineapple can do can also be done with a Linux machine and two appropriate wireless adapters; in fact, odds are the latter will deliver more consistent and accurate results. The trade-off is the learning curve and amount of experimentation needed to get the "traditional" tools to do what you want. Point in case (although admittedly anecdotal): de-authing from Recon Mode is something I would label as "flaky" (at best) and de-authing from the infusion tile is something I would call "unintuitive" (but more reliable than the Recon Mode de-auth), but I can plug in my AWUS051NH to my Linux laptop and de-auth to my heart's content without a single issue.
  2. I "jumped" to this conclusion because you specifically stated that you had searched the forums, but did not state that you had checked out the wiki. So, let's take a look at some facts: You are attempting to give your Pineapple internet access through your University's network You have "allowed my wireless network adapter to share the ... local area connection (ethernet)" Ethernet interface has an IP of, netmask of Your Internet connectivity via LAN and WiFi are kaput until you unassign the IP address First thing's first: it would really help to know what OS you're doing all of this under. Don't get pissy with people trying to help you learn how to solve problems yourself, especially when you give barely enough information to start the troubleshooting process. Have you checked your University's information security policies? I don't think it takes a genius to realize that infosec teams at most Universities aren't too keen on having devices like the Pineapple connected to their network (outside of a structured learning environment). You may not care, but I would certainly caution you to stop and think about whether your research could A.) be done on a different network, and B.) if not, is it worth potentially being kicked out of University to accomplish. You say that you're letting your wireless adapter share the LAN; did you mean to say that you've setup ICS? Your phrasing is a bit ambiguous and it sounds like you are letting the wireless adapter share the connection you're making on the ethernet interface, when you in fact want to be sharing your wireless internet connection with the ethernet interface. Sounds to me like you haven't properly setup ICS. Could possibly be that your University's network is dropping traffic to and from your Pineapple. Work on your communication skills.
  3. Did you read any of the wiki I linked at all?
  4. I have not observed this behavior, but I don't spend terribly much time in recon mode at the moment. The three or four times I've been there since upgrading to 2.3.0 yesterday I was presented with what appeared to be valid results (I know that what it showed on my home 2.4 network was correct, of course I can't be 100% sure that the rest of the results were valid! )
  5. Hmmm, I've added the offending MAC address to Karma's blacklist, then restarted Karma... still getting probes! Turned off everything in the PineAP tile, waited about 30 seconds, then re-enabled PineAP daemon, Harvest SSIDs, and MK5 Karma (as well as both log checkboxes). Still getting probes from that loud-mouthed 3DS. I fully powered down the Pineapple for 30 seconds, powered it back on, and the 3DS probes still aren't being discarded. Armaal, if you're not busy and if you're also on 2.3.0, could you see if you experience the same issue or if I am just overlooking something? Please and thank you!
  6. Bleh, I should have just waited and thought about it longer... The first thing I did post firmware update was run Harvester. After posting this thread, I turned on Karma to see how 2.3.0 was treating it. Wasn't long before I saw the source of the probe requests; looks like somebody has a Nintendo 3DS nearby. Guess it's time to make more coffee!
  7. "What if it's just XOR? Like just fuckin' XOR?" i'm dying i seriously can't even https://t.co/7t1aznZ06P

  8. Hi all. Wasn't sure if this belonged here or in the "Questions" forum since it's not necessarily a MarkV-specific observation. Very pleased to see that Harverster passively collecting SSIDs is now working properly! After I let Harvester do it's thing for five or ten minutes, I'm seeing a number of entries like this: ("Socket Public" is obviously not part of what's confusing me) I would say a solid half of the SSIDs in my PineAP management list are random characters like this. I found this thread from back in 2009, but that's the closest thing I've found to what I'm experiencing. Same concept? Wildly off? "garbled SSID", "random SSID" and "gibberish SSID" are turning up very little on Google..
  9. I would do a bit (a lot?) more reading first. Some of the entries are a bit dated, but http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/#!index.md is a good place to start. Looking over existing forum posts for your question would be a good next step.
  10. Just updated about 30 minutes and did an AP+Client scan after seeing this thread, everything worked fine on a 30 second scan for me.
  11. Source for this? I recently reflashed using this method from the wiki and the subnet would definitely be (and was), but yeah, he would still need ethernet connectivity. Have you tried a factory reset via the DIP switches? It doesn't sound like it will fix your issue, but at this point you've got nothing to lose, eh? :p
  12. I'm not sure what "this case" is, but if you're referring to the scenario I posted then yes, the VM does have Internet access... With VMs, setting your virtual network adapters to bridged mode spins up the virtual machine with an IP address separate from that of the host machine (but obviously on the same network); it appears as a separate machine on your network. The only reason you wouldn't have an Internet connection at the end of the tutorial I posted above is if you did not input the correct parameters into the wp5 shell script. If you tried my method above and it didn't work, post a screenshot of the output from ifconfig as well as the output from running wp5.sh and I'll try to help you.
  13. Since this thread is still active, I thought I'd chime in and say that barry has the right idea; getting ICS working in a VMWare VM is much, MUCH easier than the hoops you need to currently jump through to get ICS working on the host OS. Furthermore, the isolation offered by the virtual machine is something I'm a pretty big fan of... the only software I've installed on my host OS is Flash Player for Spotify/YouTube playback, I do all of my development-related activities in virtual machines. Not sure if what you're about to do is gonna fsck your VM up? Take a snapshot, do your thing; if it breaks, roll back, otherwise just delete the snapshot. Virtualization really is dreamy... Yes, the software is $70, but well worth it in my opinion, especially if you do any other development. Nothing like keeping your host OS clean and crisp.. Short order: -Create a Linux VM (I use Kali) -Change your network adapter to BRIDGED, selecting the interface you're using to get Internet on your Mac -Add a second adapter, set it to BRIDGED, selecting your Thunderbolt Ethernet port (not Thunderbolt Bridge) -If necessary, set your Thunderbolt Ethernet port to receive an IP through DHCP -Start up your VM -Configure the second adapter you added to the VM to have a static IP of within the VM (so, if you're using Kali, you'll want to look up how to set a static ip on an interface in Debian). In my VM, eth0 is my bridged connection to my Mac's Internet connection (wireless) and eth1 is my connection between the Mac and the Pineapple (Ethernet). -Shut down your VM, power on your Pineapple, then boot your VM once the Pineapple is fully booted (might not be necessary, but I find that things tend to go more smooth if the Pineapple is fully booted and connected to the Mac via Ethernet before firing up the VM) -Run the wp5.sh script provided for setting up ICS in Linux from the Wiki; assuming your VM's network interfaces match mine, your inputs to the wp5 script should be default, default, eth1, eth0, your.gateway.ip.address, default, default (where default denotes the script's provided default value and your.gateway.ip.address denotes... well, your Internet gateway.) That's that! You should be able to log into the management interface by navigating to, clicking "Show" by Internet IP in the Network tile, and see a valid IP address.
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