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As Ive been looking for an openwrt img for the pi zero, I ended up building one and then came across the LEDE page that is an Openwrt like distro.  A lot of things Ive read suggest that LEDE will replace Openwrt.  Anybody have any other info on this


** putting openwrt or lede on a pi zero is absolutely worthless, but I wanted to kill some time and try it out anyways.

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Yeah i'm running LEDE, and i'm using some of the source-codes provided there to keep some stuff up to-date.
It looks like LEDE and OpenWRT could carry on like "two branches of the same thing".
If you ask me, LEDE is the basicly the same as OpenWRT, just a newer version.
As i've understood; some of the devs. at OpenWRT left because of: "reasons", and they started up the LEDE-project.
I've also understood that they share some of the work they do with OpenWRT, and back again. So, i'm not sure what's going to happen in the end.
LEDE is working great in my opinion :)

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Im going to give it a try when I get some more time later.  I wonder if the pineapples will switch to LEDE in a later firmware update?

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When LEDE split off from OpenWrt I was pretty set on moving to LEDE (thought it would take some time to move everything over). The reasoning behind it being that LEDE is more up-to-date than OpenWrt with a more stable future, and that the developers that formed LEDE were the ones I had previously interacted with / that work on the architectures used in most of our products.

That was until I heard that OpenWrt and LEDE may be joining back together (mailinglist in December). I know this hasn't happened yet and I don't know the current status, but I wanted to wait it out before duplicating the work to first move to LEDE and then back to OpenWrt. By the looks of it, LEDE may simply co-exist with OpenWrt and sources are shared between the two parties. If that stays the case, we will most likely make the switch, but it still depends on a bunch of other factors.

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