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Fun/informative article: 'Adventures in usr/bin'


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I found this on news.ycombinator and thought it informative and a quadi-fun read. Good for some people with less then professional skills in the unix file system.

/did not search






Edited by Spoonish
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5 hours ago, Spoonish said:

I found this on news.ycombinator and thought it informative and a quadi-fun read. Good for some people with less then professional skills in the unix file system.

/did not search




Microsoft has about 90% market share of global systems including all servers, I think Apple has something like 13% market share in Australia, so that's interesting.

But I perceive Linux to be hype.  What use is it?

Ok fine it has a use and I'm just being devil's advocate to drive some discussion, but really though, getting good at using Linux just means you'll be really good at working with systems that are Linux based.

Unfortunately for you that means very little in terms of your knowledge base and expertise in the wild.

I suppose the idea "Hackers use Linux" got started up because:

1)  Open source OS means full customization and you can tinker with it, that's pretty cool.

2)  Kali (formerly Backtrack) had to build its trendy "Swiss Army Knife" using a linux distro because obviously you're not going to customize Windows.

Don't hate on me too much, again just trying to create some lively debate.

But if you ask me you'd be better off learning how to be a Windows Sys Admin and how to manipulate Windows environments.

Let me ask you something.  How do you change privileges in Windows using a single instance commandline for your payload?  That's going to take some coding.  And I bet Metasploit doesn't have the exploit prepackaged.  (Because I had to build the tool myself).

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