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ptunnel + autossh config


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I have a problem with setting up autossh over ptunnel.

Ptunnel working on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ptunnel host, local port 8000, dst. host yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy and dst. port 22. With ssh bar@localhost -p 8000 log's in to the yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy server. It is good.

When I use autossh with bar@yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, remote port 2222 and local port 22 I can connect back to lanturtle from yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy. So this config good too.

But how to configure autossh, to go trough ptunnel? The documentation of ptunnel seems promising, but I have no luck to configure it:

With this an autoSSH session to the SSH server running on example.com port 22 may be established through the Ping Tunnel via localhost port 8000.

I setted up autossh with bar@localhost remote port 2222 and local port 8000, but it not working.

How to setup ptunnel + autossh?

Thanks in advance


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  • 2 months later...


OK Ist an older thread, but I had the same Problem a few days ago. So I did some investigations and solved it. The Problem was that there is no Input field for the port of the host the ssh connection is established to.

The manual way.......works for me.

On the SSH Host

 Start ptunnel at the host (IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)  --> /usr/sbin/ptunnel -daemon /tmp/ptunnel.pid


On LAN-Turtle

ptunnel -p xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -lp 8000 -da xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -dp 22

autossh -M 0 -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -N -T -R 2222:localhost:22 user@localhost -p 8000
...... user@localhost -p 8000     --> user ist the ssh user on the host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
                                                        --> -p 8000 ist the port where ptunnel is waiting for the packets sending them to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with ICMP


I did some changes at the autossh module so you configure them with turtle menu

#!/bin/bash /usr/lib/turtle/turtle_module

DESCRIPTION="AutoSSH maintains persistent secure shells"

: ${DIALOG_OK=0}
: ${DIALOG_ESC=255}

function start {
  autossh_host=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/@/ /g' | awk '{print $2}')
  touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts
  if grep $autossh_host /root/.ssh/known_hosts; then
    /etc/init.d/autossh start
    echo "$autossh_host not in known_hosts"

function stop {
  /etc/init.d/autossh stop

function status {
  if pgrep autossh > /dev/null; then echo "1"; else echo "0"; fi

function configure {
  if [ -s /etc/config/autossh ]
    autossh_host=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $7}')
    autossh_port=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $9}')
    autossh_remoteport=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1}')
    autossh_localport=$(uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}')
    touch /etc/config/autossh

  dialog --ok-label "Submit" \
    --help-button \
    --title "AutoSSH Configuration" \
    --form "AutoSSH (Persistent Secure Shell)\n\n\
User@Host:   User and Host to establish the SSH tunnel\n\
Port: Port of the Host to establish the SSH tunnel\n\
Remote Port: Remote port to bind through the SSH tunnel\n\
Local Port:  Local port to bind tunnel (Default 22)\n \n" 16 60 4\
    "User@Host:"	1 1	"$autossh_host"	1 14 48 0 \
    "Port:"             2 1     "$autossh_port" 2 14 48 0 \
    "Remote Port:"	3 1	"$autossh_remoteport"	3 14 48 0 \
    "Local Port:"	4 1	"$autossh_localport"	4 14 48 0 \


  case $return in
      cat $CONF | { 
        read -r autossh_host
	read -r autossh_port
        read -r autossh_remoteport
        read -r autossh_localport
        touch /etc/config/autossh
        uci set autossh.@autossh[0].ssh="-i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -N -T -R "$autossh_remoteport":localhost:"$autossh_localport" "$autossh_host" -p "$autossh_port""
        uci commit autossh
        rm $CONF
      rm $CONF
      dialog --title "Help" \
        --msgbox "\
AutoSSH is a service which provides persistent SSH connections. If an SSH session drops, it will be quickly re-establish by AutoSSH. This service is typically used to provide a convenient and persistent reverse shell into the LAN Turtle on the standard SSH port 22 - though it may be configured with any standard SSH parameters to forward any arbitrary port.\n \n\
Host - The username and hostname (DNS or IP) separated by @ for which to establish the SSH connection.\n \n\
Port - The port number from which the remote server will bind.\n \n\
Listen Port - The port number to which the remote port will bind.\n \n\
Example: Per the defaults, the server will bind its local port 2222 back to the LAN Turtle port 22. In this scenario one may establish a persistent connection to their LAN Turtle from this reverse shell by first connecting to the remote host, and then from the remote host establishing an SSH connection to port 2222.\n \n\
For a video walkthrough, please watch h**ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J798iStWLOM&index=1&list=PLAC30AB8C5D17FCB5 - Hak5 Explaining NAT Traversal with SSH proxies.\
" 20 60
Module Configuration:
Module ptunnel:
PTunnel Host:        xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Local Port:             8000
Dst. Host:              xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Dst. Port:               22
Module autossh:
User@Host:        user@localhost
Port:                    8000
Remote Port:      2222
Local Port:          22
enjoy it....
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