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Can't Connect to Management AP


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Hey guys, I'm extremely new to this so thanks in advance for your patience, I'm unable to connect to the Management AP when the pineapple is separately using the battery however I am able to see the AP in my network, I'm using windows 10 if that information is of any use.

I didn't want to have to bring this here but after looking online for a few hours and finding nothing relating to my issue I'm hoping you guys can help me out, thanks.

I've attached a screenshot of what the network does after the password is entered and I've attempted to connect.


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Could you be slightly more specific? I've spent the past hour and a half trying to find this but I just can't seem to get anywhere near a solution and it's getting beyond a joke that I can't get this working...

Thanks for your time.

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So I can connect to the Pineapple through WiFi on my smartphone so it seems to be a Windows problem, connecting to other networks is just fine however, will be looking for a fix although I'm open to any more suggestions, thanks.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I've been running into this issue for the past few days, and after 2 resets, I'm not sure what else can be done to fix it. The symptom is as follows.

Start NANO, connect via Management AP, enable PineAP with all settings. Wait at most 10 minutes, and I'm disconnected from Management AP. It still shows as being active with a lock and full signal, but I'm not longer able authenticate... no matter what.

When trying to reconnect it quickly flashes 'connecting / obtaining IP' and then reverts back to saved status. I've tried removing it, re-adding it, and this continues to happen with both a computer and mobile phone.

I'm on the latest NANO firmware (1.0.6) and have factory reset quite a few times with no success. Powered by both computer and a 5V/2A Anker battery pack, same results.

Is this a known bug or is there a possible solution? Anyone else run into it?

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Update to the problem... I've done a full reset, formatted the Micro SD card and made sure all data was cleared. I was able to successfully keep it running without dropping the Management AP. However, when enabling any module it will result in the same.

For instance, I tested both tcpdump and sslsplit and they both resulted in the same behavior as the first post. Neither crashed it completely, but they both resulted in kicking me off the Management AP and not allow a reconnect, forcing a power down of the NANO.

Hopefully this can help diagnose or hint at what could be causing it. Power? I don't know, the supply seems to meet specs and with only one module running it hardly seems that could be the case?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

Just to say that I have the same problem.

I just setup my pineapple, looked at the options, everything was fine, and after almost 10 minutes, I was disconnected from the management AP. But still available from my phone (which gives to my pineapple the internet connection).

If someone have find a solution...

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  • 3 months later...

I do also experience same or similar problem with the latest 1.1.1 firmware, after a while I'm unable to connect to the management AP. The error message says "incorrect password" and that without me changing any settings or passwords. After a factory reset it works again but it's quite cumbersome to have to do a factory reset of the NANO every now and then.

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2 minutes ago, cruzr77 said:

I keep getting this

Error connecting to WiFiPineapple.com. Please check your connection.

Yeah, you said that in your previous post. The issue here isn't with the WiFi Pineapple, but something to do with your host computer. Sadly, I am unable to walk you through these steps, as I don't have a Windows machine around.

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12 minutes ago, cruzr77 said:

I keep getting this

Error connecting to WiFiPineapple.com. Please check your connection.

@cruzr77 Windows 10 can be a pain sometimes. I was having the same problem you were having earlier today. However, the problem you are having could be for a number of reasons. My solution is in the post below. Others have had similar issues with Windows 10 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). As Seb pointed out though, be sure to check settings. Be exact.


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Sure Windows 10 is a pain from time to time but I think that it perhaps has something to do with your DNS settings, the Pinapple uses Google DNS (, by default so if outbound DNS is blocked by your firewall you will be unable to connect to wifipineapple.com

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15 minutes ago, cruzr77 said:

@hultdin so what do you suggest to put in for default gateway ??

Same gateway - just make sure that you allow both tcp and udp to port 53 with Google public DNS as destination, check your firewall logs to see if this is actually your problem

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello all.

I'm having the same problem. Can't connect to the AP management network. If a execute PineAP no clients can't connect to any SSIDs. I checked the lists, is in deny mode without any client macaddress in the list. I perform a factory reset, and also executed a hard factory reset to try to unbrick it. I restarted wireless configuration, change channels and nothing. When I tried to connect to the open network Pineapple_XXXX is asking for a password? why is that??? is an open network.

Please, if anyone can help me.

Thank you.


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