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Time and probe requests


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Hello guys,

I have a problem in changing current time in the wifi pineapple. I know its a silly thing but i am not to figure it out. Everytime i make it proper it changes. And also i wanted to know how to receive probe requests from cell phones using wifi pineapple. Like obtaining mac address of users along with time stamp.

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I have a problem in changing current time in the wifi pineapple. I know its a silly thing but i am not to figure it out. Everytime i make it proper it changes.

If NTP service is running, you may need to change your time zone since it may automatically update itself based on it's default timezone settings. If after power is gone and it reboots it's not saved, then that also may be why, but I'm not familiar with the hardware and if it has an internal battery for things like the clock and bios or such.


And also i wanted to know how to receive probe requests from cell phones using wifi pineapple. Like obtaining mac address of users along with time stamp.

I may be out of the loop, but I don't think you're going to be able to do what you're asking. If wifi, yes, cell, no, since that's not an 802.11 protocol you can sniff, but someone else chime in since I haven't kept up with the show and what the new Pineapple's capabilities are these days from wifi to GSM and CDMA interception. If you have the pineapple up and running and the phone's wifi enabled with saved AP's then it should on most devices, automatically connect over wifi and show up like any other wireless device would though. There is a subsection dedicated to the pineapple though, which is where you can look of the same question has already been answered. Sure if a mod sees this, will probably move the thread for you, but I would check in there first. Just don't double post the same question there that you did here. Edited by digip
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ps -ef | grep ntp

Look for the location nearest to where you want your timezone to be under /usr/share/zoneinfo so if you were living in the netherlands that would be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam

Take the part after the initial part and write that into /etc/timezone so in my example that file would contain the text "Europe/Amsterdam".

A restart at this point is the most convenient way to make the system use that timezone. In the mean time you can have any program you start from your current shell accept that timezone when you export TZ=Europe/Amsterdam or whatever is appropriate for you. Verify using the 'date' command.

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Just create the file.

Restricted to the US, your options are:

Alaska Aleutian Arizona Central Eastern East-Indiana Hawaii Indiana-Starke Michigan Mountain Pacific Pacific-New Samoa

echo "US/[one of the above]" > /etc/timezone
Edited by Cooper
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Did you reboot or restart NTP afterwards? I think there is another thread though that seb made changes using PHP to updated the time/timezones in hte Mark IV forums describing what was done, but not sure if you edit the PHP to configure your timezone or if they have a config specific for the pineapple that works differently than regular linux or if it even uses NTP.

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Indeed, it required a restart of the Pineapple. To see what the effect ought to be relative to your current shell, run:

export TZ=US/Eastern

Just to stress this point: Anything that you start from this shell session will know about that timezone. Everything else will be none the wiser.

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I tried it. Even then its not working. I just saw that there is an opkg package for the timezone- northamerica . But the problem is it shows this error.

* verify_pkg_installable: Only have 92kb available on filesystem /overlay, pkg zoneinfo-northamerica needs 94
I even checked and saw that my overlay file is almost full. So can anyone tell me how to change download path for opkg to another folder or to the sd card
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Not sure if you can edit them manually, unpack and repack them, maybe remove some comments and overwrite it, but I'd say, check with Seb in the pineapple forums for help since this is probably already fixed or a solution exists with a one liner command line statement to correct it.

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