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Karma/PineAp disables wlan1 and wlan1 disconnects karma

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Okay so, little update. I connected wlan2 to the internet, and then enable PineAp and Karma, now i see all the fake APs and the clients have internet connection. However wlan1 still says disabled and if i enable it, it pretty much disables everything. I've tried to re-flashing the firmware, but it did not fix the issue. Thanks.

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wlan1 is supposed to go down when you're using the PineAP with like Dogma you need to change the wireless card under Client Mode to a 3rd wireless card. Thats why hak5 is giving everyone who bought a MKV a discount on a another wireless card they recommend you use. You save like $7 off on the card if you buy it from hak5 i haven't even used my wireless card i got from them yet i've been playing with my SDR dongle i order from them as well i guess i should make sure that wireless card works before it gets to late.

I should've added spacing to my words but in a rush.

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Yep, that's been my observation too. PineAp starts a mon0 interface on wlan1. Interesting to note is that if you spoof your Mac for wlan1 via the network tile, then you will loose PineAp functionality until you set it back to the original.

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