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jjd's mac changing script


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I hadn't changed MACs this way actually, we did it at a different place. I like the simplicity of this though, we will include mac changing like this in the upcoming network tile update!

And someone said you didn't want the ability to change macs and that you were deleting posts lol

Thanks Seb would love to see this ability in the network tile.

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So just to clarify.

Where do you copy the files _MACOSX folder, changemac and maclist.lst files to exactly?

And the script above should be as simple as inputting it and executing under configuration > advanced > execute commands. ?

ya sorry about that I forgot about _MACOSX I'll re upload without that to avoid confusion.

you can put the changemac and maclist.lst files anywhere you like but if you put them in say /root then you will only be able to run them from there (not sure where the web gui executes from).... if you put it in say /usr/bin you will be able to run it from anywhere.

and if you do copy the maclist.lst file remember to install bc before running it (instructions in post 25). then you should be able to run it from configuration > advanced > execute commands

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until changing mac addresses is part of the ui here is an easier way to install the change mac script so it will run from any directory or dip switches

simply run the following via ssh or through execute command from the web gui

wget -P /tmp/ http://trtsgc.com/changemac/install.sh; chmod +x install.sh; sh /tmp/install.sh

Personally I set two dips for mac addresses for now


WiFi Pineapple MK5 mac address changer.
Usage: changemac [options]
changemac -r Set random mac addresses
changemac -c Set mac addresses back to default
changemac -m [wlan0 mac] [wlan1 mac] Set specific mac addresses
changemac -reset Reset wireless config to default
changemac -d Install changemac dependencies*
changemac -u Update changemac*
*Needs internet access
Edited by jjd
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Nice work! Thanks

However, I am not sure if its due to your script, or something with the pineapples client mode, but after running "changemac -r" I cannot get wlan1 to connect to my home access point.

It did a great job changing the macs, and it did work the first time, but somethings wrong. When I connect through wlan0, and click on the client tab, it seems to have a hard time recognizing ssids. It will eventually detect ssids if i click the recognize ssids button a few time, but it will not connect to my access point. I have tried rebooting, and clearing the dhcp list on my access point.

Your script might not be the problem!

(I have been having issues with wlan1 internet connection sharing, and connecting to my home access point previously).

Thanks again for the script! I really appreciate the time you put into making it, as well as the steps to simplify the instillation.

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Hmm that does sound weird.

Can you post the output of "cat /etc/config/wireless" after running changemac -r

I have also had to hit refresh ssid's a few times since getting my mk5 but after it lists them I have had no issues connecting since the first network tile update

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Wireless manager does not show the changed Mac if that's where your looking. I believe it gets it's info from the wrong location and Not from ifconfig. If you click the system's network infusion it shows an ifconfig on the first page and under wlan0 and wlan1 it should show the changed Mac addresses not the default 00:13:##:##:##:## ones

Edited by jjd
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Here is my /etc/config/wireless

config wifi-device 'radio0'
option type 'mac80211'
option channel '11'
option hwmode '11ng'
option macaddr '00:13:37:XXXXXXX'
option htmode 'HT20'
list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-20'
list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40'
list ht_capab 'RX-STBC1'
list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40'
config wifi-iface
option device 'radio0'
option network 'lan'
option mode 'ap'
option encryption 'none'
option ssid 'SpotCoffee'
option macaddr '00:e0:4c:XXXXXXX'
config wifi-device 'radio1'
option type 'mac80211'
option channel '11'
option hwmode '11g'
option macaddr '00:13:37:XXXXXX'
config wifi-iface
option device 'radio1'
option mode 'sta'
option network 'wan'
option ssid 'UTDCXXXXXXXX'
option key 'XXXXXXXX^'
option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
option macaddr '00:50:68:XXXXXX"
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weird ya your wireless file looks correct.... I honestly have no idea what the problem is..... does it make any difference if you run "changemac -c" then try to connect? all my script does is change the mac address in iface so running -c will set everything back to the way it was before, it changes nothing else...

also maybe try turning off wpa on your router just to see if it connects then. at least if it still does not connect we know it has nothing to do with encryption.

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After a reboot it still would not connect to my ap. I ran changemac -c rebooted and was able to connect. Something is messed up still, cause despite being connected, my internet sharing speed is terrible. I think it is still an issue with ICS over wireless. Trying to brows anything while wirelessly tethered (wlan1 connected to home ap, laptop connected to wlan0 ssid), pages time out, ssh sessions crash, etc. While when tethered over Ethernet, their are no problems. Is anyone else experiencing similar problems? I'm starting to get the sense that this is hardware related.

Edited by 514senica
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Ok after install a fresh firmware flash of 1.01

No infustions installed.

I run

opkg update
opkg install bc


wget -P /tmp/ http://trtsgc.com/changemac/install.sh; chmod +x install.sh; sh /tmp/install.sh


changemac -r

wlan0 interface doesnt come back up and the SSID stops broadcasting, I get the following:

Executing 'changemac -r':[H[JChanging macwlan0New mac address: 00:02:78:F4:F:F9wlan1new mac address: aa:00:04:39:CB:BBFailed to start hostapd for phy0

When i issue ifconfig wlan0 up the SSID is still not broadcasting and the wlan0 interface has returned to the original MAC.

Is there something im missing .....Ideas?

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I had the issue right after updating to 1.01 as well not sure whats causing it but after trying changemac -r a few times I tried changemac -c then changemac-r again and it work and I have not had the issue since..... I have no idea what the issue could be though.

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Excellent thanks that actaully worked.

I rebooted.

Did a changemac -c then changemac -r

SSID is now broadcasting with spoofed MAC.

Great, now if I could just figure out why...

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And to include wlan2 also, i have modified the script - see below, will this do the trick?


function usemc {
ifconfig wlan2 down
echo "wlan2"
macchanger -r wlan2
ifconfig wlan2 up
ifconfig wlan1 down
echo "wlan1"
macchanger -r wlan1
ifconfig wlan1 up
ifconfig wlan0 down
echo "wlan0"
macchanger -r wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan2_MAC=$(ifconfig wlan0|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
wlan1_MAC=$(ifconfig wlan1|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
wlan0_MAC=$(ifconfig wlan0|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')


function randmac {
let "n=${RANDOM}%$(wc -l < $FILE)"
RANDMACF=$(head -n $n $FILE | tail -1)
#generate random numbers
let "number %= $RANGE"
let "numbera %= $RANGE"
let "numberb %= $RANGE"
#ensure they are less than ceiling
octeta=`echo "obase=16;$number" | bc`
octetb=`echo "obase=16;$numbera" | bc`
octetc=`echo "obase=16;$numberb" | bc`
#hec conversion
#generate mac
echo $macadd 

function changerand {
if [ -f $FILE ];then
echo "wlan0"
echo "New mac address: "$wlan0_MAC
echo "wlan1"
echo "new mac address: "$wlan1_MAC 
echo "wlan2"
echo "new mac address: "$wlan2_MAC 


function changeset {
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].macaddr=$wlan0_MAC;uci commit wireless
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].macaddr=$wlan1_MAC;uci commit wireless
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].macaddr=$wlan2_MAC;uci commit wireless

if [ $1 = "-r" ]; then
echo "Changing mac"

elif [ $1 = "-m" ]; then
echo "wlan0"
echo "New mac address: "$wlan0_MAC
echo "wlan1"
echo "new mac address: "$wlan1_MAC
echo "wlan2"
echo "new mac address: "$wlan2_MAC

elif [ $1 = "-c" ]; then
echo "Reseting mac addresses to default"
echo " ***menu to come***"
echo "for now please use:" 
echo "changemac -r to change your mac for next boot"
echo "changemac -c to change your mac back to stock now"
echo "changemac -m [wlan0 mac] [wlan1 mac]  to change to specified mac"
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Looks right except

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[1].macaddr=$wlan2_MAC;uci commit wireless

Should be

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].macaddr=$wlan2_MAC;uci commit wireless

And you will need to reset the /etc/conf/wireless when you plug in your wlan2 so it includes that in the config other than that it should work.

I'll try to update thr script to search for a wlan2 and change that Mac only if it finds one. It will probably take me a day or two to get around to it though

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ok script updated

it no longer supports using macchanger so you now need to have the maclist.lst downloaded although it seems most people have installed with the install command so that should not be an issue

I removed the macchanger function because it was so painfully slow!

the update now uses arrays for the number of wlan interfaces available and changes all their mac's (so if you have a usb wireless card it gets changed as well)

the update also fixes an issue where it could generate a single character segment of a mac address and bring down the interface

if you want to use a usb wifi card you will need to update you wireless config file first by running

wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && reboot


changemac -reset

the new code:

# Set location of maclist.lst
function randmac {
let "n=${RANDOM}%$(wc -l < $FILE)"
RANDMACF=$(head -n $n $FILE | tail -1)
#generate random numbers
#ensure they are less than ceiling
let "number %= $RANGE"
let "numbera %= $RANGE"
let "numberb %= $RANGE"
#hec conversion
octeta=`echo "obase=16;$number" | bc`
octetb=`echo "obase=16;$numbera" | bc`
octetc=`echo "obase=16;$numberb" | bc`
#checks that each section of mac contains two characters if not adds 0 to the end
if [ ${#octeta} = "1" ]; then
if [ ${#octetb} = "1" ]; then
if [ ${#octetc} = "1" ]; then
#generate mac
echo $macadd 
function changeset {
for i in `seq 0 $numbint`
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[$i].macaddr=${arrmac[$i]};uci commit wireless 
wifi>/dev/null 2>&1 
function outputinfo {
for i in `seq 0 $numbint`
echo "===========wlan"$i"==========="
echo "New mac address: " ${arrmac[$i]}
echo ""===========================""
arrint=($(iwconfig | grep -o "\w*wlan\w*")) # Read number of wifi interfaces to array
numbint=$((${#arrint[@]}-1)) #creates variable for array position from items in array -1
arrmac=() # define mac address array
if [ "$1" = "-r" ]; then
# clear
if [ -f $FILE ];then
echo "Found "${#arrint[@]}" WiFi Devices"
echo ""
echo "Changing mac"
for i in `seq 0 $numbint`
echo "Please run 'changemac -d' to downlaod the required dependencies"
elif [ "$1" = "-m" ]; then
for i in `seq 1 $#`
elif [ "$1" = "-c" ]; then
echo "Reseting mac addresses to default"
for i in `seq 0 $numbint`
echo "all mac addresses reset to default" 
elif [ "$1" = "-reset" ]; then
wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && reboot
elif [ "$1" = "-u" ]; then
wget -P /tmp/ http://trtsgc.com/changemac/install.sh
chmod +x /tmp/install.sh
sh /tmp/install.sh
elif [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
opkg update
opkg install bc
mkdir /usr/share/changemac
wget -P /usr/share/changemac/ http://trtsgc.com/changemac/maclist.lst
echo ""
echo "WiFi Pineapple MK5 mac address changer."
echo ""
echo "Usage: changemac [options]"
echo "" 
echo "changemac -r Set random mac addresses"
echo "changemac -c Set mac addresses back to default"
echo "changemac -m [wlan0 mac] [wlan1 mac]  Set specific mac addresses"
echo "changemac -reset Reset wireless config to default"
echo "changemac -d Install changemac dependencies*"
echo "changemac -u Update changemac*"
echo " *Needs internet access"
echo ""

You can still install with

wget -P /tmp/ http://trtsgc.com/changemac/install.sh; chmod +x install.sh; sh /tmp/install.sh

or if you already have the script installed you can update using

changemac -u

btw if anyone still wants to download the previous version its available from @ http://trtsgc.com/ch...hangemac-old-v1

Edited by jjd
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the update also fixes an issue where it could generate a single character segment of a mac address and bring down the interface

i think i was previously running into his problem.

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