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Way To Put A Program Into Usb


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You can write your own batch script, that will do what are saying. But I am not sure what you mean by this statement

"is there a way to put a program on that will automatically close all files"

Could you please clarify that to me?

Edited by Infiltrator
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I would assume that if you will create an autorun file that will execute a batch file, you're job is done...

This might not work since U3 sticks are partitioned into 2 partitions: CD-ROM, which "unlocks" your data partition... Still worth a shot though.


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Ok what I am reffering to is. I have a .bat file that if I click it, it will close all the applications. Now I know that when you put the usb stick in, automatically without cliking anything the u3 thing comes up. What I want to do is, when I put in the usb stick, it will autmatically run the .bat script, like instead of running the u3, I want it to run the .bat or both at same time. Is it possible? thanks

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Yes it is possible to run both, you can write the batch scrip and then in the u3 menu you can choose a program to start when the u3 menu is launched and because the u3 is launched when you insert the drive the batch will also run. otherwise if you have an autorun.ini in your root and list the batch script listed in the autorun.ini file it should autorun provided that you have autorun enabled.

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You might want to rethink the autorun idea, I mean what if the computer you are trying to close all the programs from has the autorun feature disabled. I know a CD would still run, even after the autorun feature has been disabled.

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The problem is I do not know how to make a program run on startup using the u3.

Take a look at these articles, they explain how to create an autorun script that can be saved to an USB. It should give you some ideas on how to write a batch file and then use it to run any file you want.




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