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(Pandora) Saver2


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Do you mean, ripping songs from last.fm or doing that logging to it i've noticed others do?

Both are certainly possible, I've been planning to write a deal to rip from imeem if i can figure out how it associates metadata with a URL.

Uploaded the new version with slacker, the fader, pandora helper, and a bit more.

Grooveshark saver is nearly finished. I should note that a lot of songs on grooveshark are poorly labeled if at all and many are missing album stuff (besides the most common songs.).

I was talking about logging to Last.FM If you do impliment the logging to Last.FM perhaps you could have an option to log ALL songs played or have it log only NEW songs (I.E. ones that it actually saves that you did not have before). That wasy if you wanted to, you could use last.fm to kind of see remotely what new songs your computer has gotten while you were away.

The grooveshark problem could possibly be fixed by having the plugin look on cddb.com (gracenote) to get the album info. Just have it query for the album name and artist and then you could possibly pull out the track number, year of release, record label and album art from there. how you would impliment this however is on you (I am not a programmer, lol).

Freedb.org is another option but I have never checked them out, I just know of them.

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7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...7=1247871520260

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Response contains no XML urlshttp://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=7500912P&lid=33458331&method=getFragment&arg1=211431069532981403&arg2=56545841&arg3=95003&arg4=&arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&arg6=2&arg7=1247871520260

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Error while parsing XMLRPC:

System.Exception: No audio data in XMLRPC fragment

at Pandora.Pandora.readSongInfos(Session oSession, XmlDocument doc) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 706

at Pandora.Pandora.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 344

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: The offending XML has been saved to C:\Pandora Saver\Temp\BAD_PXML_GETFRAGMENT_R3aiXeWmh90wr323.XML

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Disabled

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Disabling pandora due to excessive XML errors

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7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=7500912P&lid=33458331&method=getFragment&arg1=211431069532981403&arg2=56545841&arg3=95003&arg4=&arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&arg6=2&arg7=1247871520260
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Response contains no XML urlshttp://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=7500912P&lid=33458331&method=getFragment&arg1=211431069532981403&arg2=56545841&arg3=95003&arg4=&arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&arg6=2&arg7=1247871520260
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Error while parsing XMLRPC:
System.Exception: No audio data in XMLRPC fragment
   at Pandora.Pandora.readSongInfos(Session oSession, XmlDocument doc) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 706
   at Pandora.Pandora.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 344
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: The offending XML has been saved to C:\Pandora Saver\Temp\BAD_PXML_GETFRAGMENT_R3aiXeWmh90wr323.XML
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Disabled
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Disabling pandora due to excessive XML errors

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I was talking about logging to Last.FM If you do impliment the logging to Last.FM perhaps you could have an option to log ALL songs played or have it log only NEW songs (I.E. ones that it actually saves that you did not have before). That wasy if you wanted to, you could use last.fm to kind of see remotely what new songs your computer has gotten while you were away.

The grooveshark problem could possibly be fixed by having the plugin look on cddb.com (gracenote) to get the album info. Just have it query for the album name and artist and then you could possibly pull out the track number, year of release, record label and album art from there. how you would impliment this however is on you (I am not a programmer, lol).

Freedb.org is another option but I have never checked them out, I just know of them.

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?ri...7=1247871520260

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Response contains no XML urlshttp://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=7500912P&lid=33458331&method=getFragment&arg1=211431069532981403&arg2=56545841&arg3=95003&arg4=&arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&arg6=2&arg7=1247871520260

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Error while parsing XMLRPC:

System.Exception: No audio data in XMLRPC fragment

at Pandora.Pandora.readSongInfos(Session oSession, XmlDocument doc) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 706

at Pandora.Pandora.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 344

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: The offending XML has been saved to C:\Pandora Saver\Temp\BAD_PXML_GETFRAGMENT_R3aiXeWmh90wr323.XML

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Disabled

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM Pandora: Disabling pandora due to excessive XML errors

7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=7500912P&lid=33458331&method=getFragment&arg1=211431069532981403&arg2=56545841&arg3=95003&arg4=&arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&arg6=2&arg7=1247871520260
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Response contains no XML urlshttp://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=7500912P&lid=33458331&method=getFragment&arg1=211431069532981403&arg2=56545841&arg3=95003&arg4=&arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&arg6=2&arg7=1247871520260
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Error while parsing XMLRPC:
System.Exception: No audio data in XMLRPC fragment
   at Pandora.Pandora.readSongInfos(Session oSession, XmlDocument doc) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 706
   at Pandora.Pandora.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 344
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: The offending XML has been saved to C:\Pandora Saver\Temp\BAD_PXML_GETFRAGMENT_R3aiXeWmh90wr323.XML
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Disabled
7/17/2009 5:58:51 PM    Pandora: Disabling pandora due to excessive XML errors

Post the (content of the) offending XML here. It's probably the timeout thing though (says something like end of playlist in the xml file). Usually if you sit 10mins or so it slacks off (after closing pandora).

Yeah, i looked at gracenote, however they have a loopy licensing thing which the net result of what i understand is that it's not free to use. Freedb was the other option i came up with.

I decided that ultimately it was more important to get stuff implemented then handle that. I'll probably get to it at some point, but at the moment i want to finish implementing manual download, port encoding, and possibly blacklist.

yeah, last.fm, i figured as much. Probably just have it log when it's processing a song as it's either ripped it or been told to rip it to get to that point. Thus, changing the rip mode = changing logging mode. Probably implement it at a plugin, too (gotta love plugins).

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hmm, regarding deezer and imeem metadata: I've finally figured out what the horrible binary format they're using is. It's AMF, or actionscript message format. The good news being that if i can find a decoder (the "decoder" that deezer uses is a kludge, horribly so) it means deezer stuff can be implemented a lot more "reliably" (it *works* as-is, but it's majorly horrible and gets false results).

I've found some stuff regarding getting a imeem server URL from the data it sends, but it's in python, so I really can't understand it all that well. And the flash decompilers i've tried have choked while decompiling it. Ugh.

Anyways, if i can get this AMF format reliably decoded it'll be a major help. I don't like the idea of having to use a helper app but it'd beat implementing it by hand.

Edit. Imeem may or may not be implemented. At best, if i do finish it, it will be a horrible kludge.

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Hey im havin trouble getting this to work with Vidalia/Tor

I followed your instructions but it doesnt seem to work

If i keep my foxyproxy settings the way they have to be to work with tor only nothing happens

if i disable foxyproxy and then load pandora.com i get to the player page but the swf player doesnt load

now i tried to specify sproxy as a proxy to tor but that doesnt seem to work too

Edit: Ok got it working now

Next thing is it would be great if you could manage somehow that the audio/pics/swf isnt channeled through tor,

because tor is damn slow

With my foxyproxy settings i only load the Country Verification through tor and some other stuff

exactly i blacklist *audio*, *.jpg* and *.swf*

Is there technically a way to make those files pass Sproxy but not Tor ?

im not very good with that proxy stuff anybody knows what to do ?

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Hey im havin trouble getting this to work with Vidalia/Tor

I followed your instructions but it doesnt seem to work

If i keep my foxyproxy settings the way they have to be to work with tor only nothing happens

if i disable foxyproxy and then load pandora.com i get to the player page but the swf player doesnt load

now i tried to specify sproxy as a proxy to tor but that doesnt seem to work too

Edit: Ok got it working now

Next thing is it would be great if you could manage somehow that the audio/pics/swf isnt channeled through tor,

because tor is damn slow

With my foxyproxy settings i only load the Country Verification through tor and some other stuff

exactly i blacklist *audio*, *.jpg* and *.swf*

Is there technically a way to make those files pass Sproxy but not Tor ?

im not very good with that proxy stuff anybody knows what to do ?

Oops. I forgot to add that option again. Yes, this capability exists, but it's not exposed outside of plugins. I'll have to update Pandora (Saver plugin) and add that.

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if something is wrong, paste a copy of the log here when asking for help. You can get the last 50 lines by double clicking in the log window, where the text is.

Hey ZZJ,

Getting an Error loading plugins message:

Error while loading plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora) : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: TargetDownSpeed
   at Proxy.Settings.GetRawValue(String key) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Settings.cs:line 163
   at Pandora.Pandora..ctor() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 70
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
   at Proxy.PluginMgr.LoadPlugins() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 142

Any thoughts?


Odd. I think I fix it. Simply going into the Options and exiting the options fixes this error. You dont even have to change anything. Must have to do with the default options.

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Hey ZZJ,

Getting an Error loading plugins message:

Error while loading plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora) : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: TargetDownSpeed
   at Proxy.Settings.GetRawValue(String key) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\Settings.cs:line 163
   at Pandora.Pandora..ctor() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 70
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
   at Proxy.PluginMgr.LoadPlugins() in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 142

Any thoughts?


Odd. I think I fix it. Simply going into the Options and exiting the options fixes this error. You dont even have to change anything. Must have to do with the default options.

whoops. i forgot to add the default value for that. (that's why it's bugging out over key missing).

Hmm. More issues.

1) The pandora mini player downloaded above will not launch the mini player but will revert over to the main pandora site.

2) Also the saver config will not auto launch the Portable firefox.

Sorry to bug ya with em but I thought I would let you know.

If you mean the portable firefox downloaded from the link on the OP, yes, it won't work automaticly - you'll have to add the command in saver2 settings yourself. Due to laziness i haven't uploaded one with the name of the key Saver2 uses for its autorun, and since pandora isn't responsible for that any more it never gets launched. In saver2 settings put ".\FireFox-P\LaunchFirefoxPortable.exe" as the autorun on start under common settings.

Mini player: I'll look into it. (downloaded above? what do you mean) I haven't used it in a while, so it's entirely possible the method i use to break the referrer checking does not work. Or i broke something along the line. Either way, i've not tested it.

I'm going to have to completely redo exemptions, as it's currently written under the assumption that pandora is the only thing that would be going through it, and so a bool true if it should be exempted, or false if it should not does not work.

It needs to be able to say:

YES - this MUST be exempted (data URLs)

NO - this must NOT be exempted (xmlrpcs and ssl connect pandora requests)

OR have a preference which may be overrided by other plugins

OR not have a preference at all (think tri-state logic)

So - (brainstorming + logiking, you can stop reading here)

Initial setting: go through proxy

a http://*slacker*, pref exempt

b http://*pandora*, pref exempt

1 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443, must-go-through, otherwise no pref

2 http://*pandora*xmlrpc*, must-go-through, otherwise no pref

3 http://audio*pandora.com*token*, exempt, otherwise, no pref

4 http://*slacker.com/wsv1/*, must go through


a: no match

b: match, pref exempt

1: no match

2: match, must go through, return


a: no match

b: match, pref exempt

1: no match

2: no match

3: match, must not go through, return


a: no match

b: match, pref exempt

1: no match

2: no match

3: no match

4: no match



a: no match

b: no match

1: no match

2: no match

3: no match

4: no match

Down the rabbit hole.

Perhaps allow setting of initial proxy state? (pass-all or send all)

This is going to have to be on a plugin level only i think, otherwise it's going to be far too complicated.

Can't think of a simple way to represent preference y/n and a tri-state logic (and preference) on a single line statment. A gui sort of thing could work, but it's low priority at the moment. A plugin could implement a gui editor or something and allow for such things, but it's outside the scope for this.

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For what it is worth, I'm back after a long hiatus.... Somewhat remarkably, Pandora timed me out for the first time today, just as I was configging S2. I really don't mind the $36, it's just the presence of principles that irks me (joke). I do hope they don't shoot themselves in the foot with that one, though. Anyway, the 'dns purge' doesn't help with that, does it? It is just one's IP address that is timed so different accounts on the same machine don't help?

I think you may have mentioned this, but I miss the different save folders for P and D, given that the formats are different and that one can rip complete albums at Deezer.

Where is the turbo config for Pandora? Perhaps it appears when one is tuned in to Pandora, which I am not.

Apologies for not being up to speed.

Some error screens follow (XP machine):

374693...70d1d8210_o.jpg (Can't seem to get images to post.)






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For what it is worth, I'm back after a long hiatus.... Somewhat remarkably, Pandora timed me out for the first time today, just as I was configging S2. I really don't mind the $36, it's just the presence of principles that irks me (joke). I do hope they don't shoot themselves in the foot with that one, though. Anyway, the 'dns purge' doesn't help with that, does it? It is just one's IP address that is timed so different accounts on the same machine don't help?

I think you may have mentioned this, but I miss the different save folders for P and D, given that the formats are different and that one can rip complete albums at Deezer.

Where is the turbo config for Pandora? Perhaps it appears when one is tuned in to Pandora, which I am not.

Apologies for not being up to speed.

Some error screens follow (XP machine):

374693...70d1d8210_o.jpg (Can't seem to get images to post.)






Turbo is under pandora config. Either go in saver2 settings to plugins, select pandora, and click configure, or on the saver2 menu go to pandora and configure pandora.

How you set different saver folders is under common settings prefix the folder structure with"%source%\" - thus, pandora music gets saved to Pandora\, Deezer to Deezer\, Grooveshark to blah blah you get the point.

Dns purge makes sproxy purge its DNS cache. Not going to be used often, was just related to something i was working on. I was browsing everything through sproxy, and to my mystery i kept getting a page this site has moved - and not being able to go there. As it turns out since sproxy had been running for a week or so. it looked up the IP then and never checked again. But, now IP lookups expire after 6 hours, so it's really superfluous.

Odd error screens. I'll add a wait for tagging, but this same thing occurred with PS and i never did figure out why (so i added the patch of a one second wait.... ugh). If that doesn't work, i've added a retry... but ugh. What a hack.

On the plus side, doing exemptions like that means i can dispose with options to disable/enable (well, maybe hidden ones, just in case) as it's "smart". Maybe if i'm really clever i'll make it use delegates to handle exemptions.

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Turbo is under pandora config. Either go in saver2 settings to plugins, select pandora, and click configure, or on the saver2 menu go to pandora and configure pandora.

Uh, ... Saver2 menu at Sproxy--> Saver2-->config-->plugins-->config PH--> no choices: "enabled reps auto-launch on start"

NEVERMIND, got it after restart

How you set different saver folders is under common settings prefix the folder structure with"%source%\" - thus, pandora music gets saved to Pandora\, Deezer to Deezer\, Grooveshark to blah blah you get the point.

I see. I can work happily around/with that, though for me personally being able to config each is better so I'm not forced to have separate dirs for items I don't need them for; e.g., I might ideally save Slacker and Grooveshark to the same dir and P and D each to separate ones.

Thank you.

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Okay, here's a version with revamped exemptions. zzj.itf-inc.com /downloads/Saver2Beta2.zip (OUTDATED)

The various bugs pointed out regarding settings have been fixed and the new exemption system has been added.

By default, all Pandora URLS except connect and xml requests are exempted, and audio urls are forced to be exempted. Slacker data urls are also exempted save metadata and connect; this should allow users outside the US to use slacker, as i think they too have country restriction. AFAIK grooveshark or deezer don't so there is no reason to implement such.

Notes on flags column:

T: HTTPS tunnel.

S: streamed

L: local response (status page)

E: exempted from configured proxy

N: no body (204 or 304)

R: plugin responded

!: server response shunned

P: plugins examining this

C: connection broke while streaming

M: plugins tampered with response


I completely re-did part of SProxy's connection handling, as i made an utter noob mistake causing problems for plugins (specifically, modified headers never got sent)


"ForceLocalResolves": If proxy spends a while on connecting, try setting this in adv. settings to True. This causes SProxy to look up the IP using the host's DNS, rather than making the proxy do it. Specifically, the reason this was implemented is that the DNS resolvers of the SOCKS proxy i used for testing was hideously slow and moreover did not cache results, adding a significant penalty to connection wait time.

"ProxyDefaultExempt": If, for whatever reason you are using SProxy for normal browsing AND using a proxy for pandora or what not, you may try setting this to true (adv settings). This causes all URLs which are not specifically marked by a plugin to use the proxy to be exempted and connect normally (and increase speed significantly).

Neither of these have effect when not using a proxy. Also, they do not increase throughput, merely connection start time.

Hal: On a quick check, http://zzj.itf-inc.com/gopan.html still works for mini player. Do you mean the mini player in the browser? It uses a different method. I'll have to check

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Sorry for bugging you again

but english isnt my first language and im no programmer so does what u said before mean u added the feature in the new saver plugin ?

And what just came up my mind is that it would be nice to have another variable for song saving

%station% which creates a folder named by the pandora station where the song was ripped

Cuz i now have a Folder with many mixed music styles and i usually group songs roughly by style so i dont need to spend eternity making playlists :D

Its no big deal just if there is an easy way for you to make it sort songs by stations that would be really nice

anyways a great job you have done here !

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Sorry for bugging you again

but english isnt my first language and im no programmer so does what u said before mean u added the feature in the new saver plugin ?

And what just came up my mind is that it would be nice to have another variable for song saving

%station% which creates a folder named by the pandora station where the song was ripped

Cuz i now have a Folder with many mixed music styles and i usually group songs roughly by style so i dont need to spend eternity making playlists :D

Its no big deal just if there is an easy way for you to make it sort songs by stations that would be really nice

anyways a great job you have done here !

I've made it so it supports exemptions again (and then some).

use the %exnfo% tag. for pandora, this is the station. For the other savers it varies, but at worst they just have "No Exnfo" when used as a tag.

So: add %exnfo% and you'll get the station name.

BTW: pandora creates per-station playlists (unless you've disabled that) as it sniffs/rips music.

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A little more of the obvious and maybe missed: As we happily migrate to the newer and more awesome iterations, blah, blah, it would be nice if PS and SP and company would check for and copy our settings (save folders, save names, mainly) so our lazy slow asses wouldn't have to do it manually and we could get on to providing the insightful and ever-helpful bits of feedback that we have been placed on this earth to provide, so to speak.

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Of the six or so times I've dl's saver2, only once have the so-called binaries been dl'd when SP was first run.

More laziness...

And then in FF the link must be done in a separate tab or win, otherwise it returns a blank page.

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Ok got myself the new version and yes youre right it passes the files to not use TOR anymore.

All files. including the one that makes pandora think im a US resident

When i reverted to the old one it instantly worked again

Can i access the filter definitions somehow?

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A little more of the obvious and maybe missed: As we happily migrate to the newer and more awesome iterations, blah, blah, it would be nice if PS and SP and company would check for and copy our settings (save folders, save names, mainly) so our lazy slow asses wouldn't have to do it manually and we could get on to providing the insightful and ever-helpful bits of feedback that we have been placed on this earth to provide, so to speak.

Possibly. I'll have to add a facility for removing settings keys, though.

Of the six or so times I've dl's saver2, only once have the so-called binaries been dl'd when SP was first run.

More laziness...

And then in FF the link must be done in a separate tab or win, otherwise it returns a blank page.

Well, yeah, mplayer.exe and lame.exe only need to be downloaded once. Those will not change (hence why I have it download them separately) - it increases my upload time horribly otherwise. Also gives pandora a starting point for connection speed when using turbo.

Just a note of thanks for adding Slacker. So far it seems they have a fair catalog in my direction, and are not too painful to endure (working on your player ad-auto-mute functions, are you?).

Mmm. Need to see how slacker reacts to short data. I also need to check for the other type of ad... need to find the last type.

Ok got myself the new version and yes youre right it passes the files to not use TOR anymore.

All files. including the one that makes pandora think im a US resident

When i reverted to the old one it instantly worked again

Can i access the filter definitions somehow?

No, the filter definitions are hardcoded C# methods. Load pandora, take a screenshot of the main sproxy window maximized, and put a bit of log here. It's a bit hard to test this as I'm a US resident.

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In the Foxyproxy window u can see my setup for tor if i dont use SProxy. For the use of SProxy i have FoxyProxy disabled. Just so u know which settings do it for me.

Following there is all log entries created during my try to connect to pandora with Saver2Beta3

28.07.2009 16:06:02    Configuration read, 76 keys
28.07.2009 16:06:03    SProxy application started.
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Searching for plugins in D:\Pandora\
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Loaded plugin PandoraHelper.dll (PandoraHelper.Helper)
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Loaded plugin Saver.Deezer.dll (Deezer.Deezer)
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Loaded plugin Saver.Grooveshark.dll (Grooveshark.Grooveshark)
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Loaded plugin Saver.Pandora.dll (Pandora.Pandora)
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Loaded plugin Saver.Slacker.dll (Slacker.Slacker)
28.07.2009 16:06:03    Loaded plugin Saver2.dll (Saver2.Saver)
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Loaded plugin SongFader.dll (SongFader.Fader)
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Checking vital files...
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Verifying lame.exe
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2 Core 1.1 BETA B loaded; looking for suitable plugins...
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Pandora Helper 1.008 found!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Deezer 1.1 found!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Pandora 2.1 found!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: SaveDir = D:\Pandora\Saved Music\
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: NrCores = 2
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Saver2: Worker thread started!
28.07.2009 16:06:04    SProxy starting
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Using SOCKS4a proxy
28.07.2009 16:06:04    Listening for connections on port 8888
28.07.2009 16:06:18    #0    GET http://pandora.com/
28.07.2009 16:06:22    #1    GET http://www.pandora.com/restricted
28.07.2009 16:06:24    #2    GET http://www.pandora.com/styles/pandora_styles.css
28.07.2009 16:06:24    #3    GET http://www.pandora.com/include/common.js
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #4    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/background_backstage_top.jpg
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #5    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/logo_pandora.jpg
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #7    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/search_icon.gif
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #6    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/radio_from.jpg
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #8    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/nav_button.gif
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #11    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/signature_tim.jpg
28.07.2009 16:06:26    #10    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/background_backstage_middle.gif
28.07.2009 16:06:27    #12    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/button_letmeknow.gif
28.07.2009 16:06:27    #13    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/background_backstage_bottom.jpg
28.07.2009 16:10:17    #14    GET http://www.pandora.com/images/nav_button_hover.gif

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