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  1. Okay, thanks for the Information. I managed already to figure out, that ALT j does the same as to manually click "Ja". Actually the Online Payload Generator generates good code when you use the English Layout. But as you said, i have to edit it. Thanks for your help.
  2. Okay, i managed to find out what that should do. It is the UAC Baypass for the american Keyboard Layout, right? But WHY does the online payload gen do that, even i choose the german Keyboard Layout an the Radio Button "no UAC Baypass"? The nex thing... what does STRING m should do?
  3. I generated a payload via the payload generator. But the Keystrokes does not work when i'm goint to test it(Win 8.1). So i looked into the duckycode.txt. I tested the Shortcuts manually and there is the point. Windows does noting. DELAY 750 GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING powershell Start-Process notepad -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 750 ALT y DELAY 750 ENTER ALT SPACE DELAY 1000 STRING m Okay, the first "command" that does not work: ALT y So the result of the second command, ALT SPACE, looks like follows: https://ibb.co/hmLMbQ So my question is, what should ALT y do? And YES, i changed the Keyboard Layout to Germany. Greetings, Johnny
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