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  1. You know what, GermanNoob, you ain't any n00b at all.... I'm getting a blinking RED at this moment! Really appreciate it, man!
  2. Nope, I actually got the cue from your post and looked into the wiki content about firmware recovery. This was my attempt: { 1. I switched the bunny to arming mode (switch 3), 2. aware that it will automatically enter into recovery mode, the bunny was inserted the usb port, 3. waited for the LEDS (Green (solid) Blue (barely did a millisecond).... no LED indicator), 4. waited for more than 5 minutes }... looped the steps incrementing waiting time to ++5 minutes, up to leaving it overnight. Sadly, it didn't restore.
  3. Hi GermanNoob, I haven't figured it out yet. I'm still having the same problem. I did what Tylor suggested of testing the LEDs but wasn't successful. Even if I can't execute my payloads (responder and creds) and LED indicators, I have hopes of resurrecting my bunny though because it isn't totally dead. I can still get in COM port or SSH into it. I really hope there's someone who can patiently guide me through recovering the firmware. Cheers!
  4. Hi Tylor, Thank you for the reply. Yes, they are all working before the "firmware loss". I even managed to use responder and quickcreds. Your suggestions to test the LED commands were great. I did try several of them like LED R 1000, LED G 1000, and LED B 1000, and other combinations just to test out the LEDS but to no avail. I am attaching the history of the commands I did before I got into this problem for diagnostic purposes and reference. Please bear with the n00bishness. I'm not a linux expert and not even a novice. If you find anything stupid in those commands, please bear with me. Thank you 1 ls 2 cd tools/ 3 ls 4 ifconfig 5 ls / 6 cd pen 7 cd /pentest 8 ls 9 cd ~ 10 ls 11 cd udisk/ 12 ls 13 ls -al 14 cd .. 15 ls 16 cd tools/ 17 ls 18 cd ../ 19 ls 20 pwd 21 cd ../ 22 ls 23 cd opt/ 24 cd ../ 25 ls 26 ls opt/ 27 ls 28 ls 29 ls bin/ 30 ls 31 ls home/ 32 ls 33 ls dev/ 34 ls 35 ls pentest/ 36 rm -rf pentest/* 37 ls pentest/ 38 exit 39 passwd 40 passwd 41 ls 42 cd / 43 ls 44 ls pentest/ 45 ifconfig 46 shutdown -h now 47 cd /tmp/ 48 ping 49 ifconfig 50 ping 51 shutdown -h now 52 ping 53 cd /tmp/ 54 wget bashbunny.com/bb.sh 55 ls 56 chmod 755 bb.sh 57 bash ./bb.sh 58 cd /pentest/impacket/ 59 exit 60 ls 61 cat ATTACKMODE 62 ls 63 ifconfig 64 tcpdump -i usb0 -nn host -vv 2>/dev/null 65 ifconfig 66 ping 67 ping 68 ls 69 cd /pem 70 cd /pentest/ 71 ls 72 exit 73 shutdown -h now 74 cd / 75 ls 76 cd pentest/ 77 ls 78 cd / 79 ifconfig 80 c dpen 81 cd pentest/ 82 ls 83 rm -rf * 84 ls 85 ls 86 exit 87 ls 88 c dtoo 89 cd tools/ 90 ls 91 ls 92 cd / 93 ls 94 cd root/ 95 ls 96 cd udisk/ 97 ls 98 ls -al 99 cd .. 100 cat ducklog.txt 101 cd /pentest/ 102 ls 103 rm -rf * 104 cd .. 105 cd loo 106 cd ~ 107 cd loot/ 108 ls 109 cd quickcreds/ 110 ls 111 c d../ 112 cd ../ 113 rm -rf * 114 cd ~ 115 ls 116 shutdown -h now 117 ls 118 ifconfig 119 exit 120 ll /media/ 121 mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk 122 0 123 mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk 124 ls 125 c ducklog.txt 126 ls udisk/ 127 man ll 128 ll udisk/ 129 ls 130 cd /pentest/ 131 ls 132 cd ../ 133 rm -rf pentest/ 134 shutdown -h now 135 ls 136 cd / 137 ;s 138 ls 139 cd ~ 140 ls 141 ls private/ 142 ls tools/ 143 rm -rf tools/* 144 cd udisk/ 145 ls 146 cd ../ 147 cd /pentest/ 148 ls 149 rm -rf * 150 cd ~ 151 ls 152 ls loot/ 153 rm -rf loot/* 154 ls 155 ls -al 156 exit 157 ls 158 ls tools/ 159 cat bash_bunny.sh 160 ./bash_bunny.sh 161 ls 162 cd tools/ 163 ls 164 cd ../ 165 ./do_post_update.sh 166 history 167 mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk 168 mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk 169 ./do_post_update.sh 170 cd / 171 ls 172 cd /pentest/ 173 ls 174 rm -rf 175 ls 176 rm -rf * 177 exit
  5. Has anyone had any experience doing a Firmware Recovery? I did set to switch 3, plugged the bunny, waited for more than 5 minutes, I can't see any blinking green light. What I'm seeing is an absence of any LED light. The bunny feels warm though and I can browse the files within. No LED light though. Please bear my n00bishness.
  6. Hi GermanNoob, Appreciate the prompt reply. Accidentally deleted the /root/tools while excitedly exploring bashbunny and it's features. :(
  7. Hi, Is there any possibility of retrieving back a file that was accidentally deleted in bashbunny? Thank you!
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