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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Im building a rubber ducky script but im not very good with powershell, so im using the powershell scripts from: https://github.com/powershellmafia/powersploit/ and i need to use the persistence module inn my script and i dont understand how can i import the module. Can anyone help me ?
  2. did anyone has the same experience to change the txpower to 30 with tl-wn722n ?
  3. Im thinking to buy the TL-WN722N, and I need a wifi adapter wich i can use with the aircrak-ng, wifiphisher... I heard about the AWUS036NEH, but its a little expansive. Did the TL-WN722N complete this requisites ? (sorry for my bad english)
  4. i cant imagine how can I make business with he, Im only trying to help he, but sory for any incovenience...
  5. Opa, primeiro BR q vejo por aki - mas o q eh q vc estaestá falando ? eh impossivel controlar a BIOs de algum computador, se quiser ajuda com o rubberducky me chama no privado.
  6. Very good. I think the pastebin is better in this case because you can post anonymalsly, but its just my opinion... Do you think this will work with the meterpreter/reverse_tcp ?
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