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  1. Hello, I'm working as pentester freelancer. The company that hired me has to perform annually at least one external and one internal pentest of its web application (they have an e-commerce service). They have to obey a set of compliance rules to ensure that they will keep a maturity security level. To keep this level of maturity security, an external audit company has to identify and verify if these pentests were executed. Note that this means that the external audit company does not have to know which vulnerabilities were found, but they have to be sure that tests were made. Pentests's reports that I found on the internet (from SANS, offensive security, PCI) and that I used on my previous works do not serve for this purpose. I say this because they have descriptions about vulnerabilidades, detailed evidences from their existence (with screenshots, network's captures) to prove their existence. Note that these types of reports are not what I need to generate, since I just need to generate a document proving that I executed the pentest. Would you have any suggestions for me to generate this new kind of document? Is there any auditing tool that could be used for this end? Would you suggests another approach?
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