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  1. Did a whole bunch of reading last night. Looks like the Arch is mips. There are some cross compilers for Debian which I might try out and see what I can get working. Kinda awesome, because this means I might be able to write some c/c++ for this too! Will be doing some investigation this weekend and will hopefully be able to put a guide out there on how to build for mips for the lan turtle.
  2. I was just playing around with arpspoof (first time), and couldn't get it to work as seen elsewhere. I was using the following commands arpspoof -i eth1 -t arpspoof -i eth1 -t I found online a reference saying that arpspoof 2.4 requires the -r flag. Using the -r flag on the first line didn't work, as looking at the stdout of arpspoof, it doesn't have the option for the -r flag. Decided to install the packages on my ubuntu desktop, and it looks like arpspoof from the repositories on ubuntu has arpspoof v2.4 with the -r flag available. Was thinking that I could try and build arpspoof for the lanturle, but I've never compiled for another platform before. More than happy to do so if someone has a quick how-to guide, and can tell me what this thing is actually running. I'm assuming it's x86, and not arm or something else?
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