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snubsie .gif/swf Scribd ripper s and allow time change with LUA !


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I have not posted in a while " adblock was blocking the NEW POST image .. my bad .. "

ADDED fix for clicking time in systray for windows grants everyone http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/allow_time_systray_windows.exe reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/archi.../11/371474.aspx

basically it runs a reg patch as system:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


06/19/2009 - ADDED Scribd ripper script http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/scribd_ripper....varpdf=15730844 change the number to the document ID wala !


included SWF with sound lolz





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I can never get to your site...


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I can never get to your site...

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Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1

I have to "mask" myself as ff in Opera to get to it.

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I hate websites that block certain web browsers (or even operating systems). Ive seen lots of sites that stop opera from visiting (but some are nice enough to give you the option to use the site anyway) and ive even found sites that block OS X, usually with the words "Go Home Mac Fag" on it.

I dont see the point, and these people usually are really obsessed with hits.

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* website is running of comcast home connection cuts down on noise !

What do you mean "cuts down on noise"? All Browsers load pages in the same way so it wouldnt really make a difference.

* idiots using scripts to download content etc it helps against

Again, downloading the content is exactly what to browser does, and there is a local copy on the users hard drive so its like pissing against the wind trying to stop people downloading content.

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Like this keyboard cat? Mwahaha

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  • 2 weeks later...
What do you mean "cuts down on noise"? All Browsers load pages in the same way so it wouldnt really make a difference.

90% of my hits are from bots etc .. this is how I filter teh shitz out deal with it or just use windows lulz

some how I got listed on stumbleupon.com http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/rmccurdy.co...s/.sexterms.txt after that file has been online for like 2 years ..

as for the creepy comment. I also make balloon animals and origami ! Yes and Darren/snubsie know im creepy but I fixed his laptop so I pwn him :) wont be a phreknic this year tho ... FAIL

also I am hijacking my own thread this now lulcatz thread


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